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Guilty Gear Strive: 10 Tips For Playing As Potemkin | Game Rant

Guilty Gear powerhouse Potemkin returns in Guilty Gear Strive with his iconic monstrous appearance and devastating kit. In the recent Arc System Works title, Potemkin harnesses his genetic mutation to overwhelm enemies with his sheer power and strength. Now, Potemkin once again stands up to protect those he cares about the most.

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In combat, Potemkin might seem slow on the uptake. However, he compensates for his lack of speed with devastating attacks. Thanks to his kit as a Power Throw character, Potemkin places huge emphasis on grapples, throws, and disabling enemies in general. What can Strive players do to maximize his powerset?

10 Remember That Body Declares Defense

Due to Potemkin's massive body, it's heavily implied that he's a slow giant with a penchant for melee. This much is true — players need to remember that Potemkin has the highest defensive modifiers in the game. In turn, it's much harder to deal damage to Potemkin on a regular level.

Since Potemkin already lacks speed, this defensive boost enables Potemkin to soak more damage while preparing some of his setups. However, his larger body does mean he has larger hitboxes, meaning he has more room to get hit.

9 Mind The Movement Limitations

Players who want to dominate using Potemkin will always need to remember his severe limitation: his movement options. Unlike other characters with caveats of their own, Potemkin's movement requires a lot of adjustments on the players' part.

Remember, Potemkin's primary playstyle is to rely on dishing out heavy damage to players that get too close. And for those that get too far, Potemkin needs to use tools to disrupt their escape. Following these two basic guidelines can help players ease into other Potemkin essentials.

8 Play The Mind Game

Due to Potemkin's infamous role as a grappler, enemies will likely try to poke their way out of his throws as much as possible. Thankfully, Potemkin has more than enough tools to dish out damage without ever having to grapple and throw opponents. Players need to make opponents realize that throwing isn't always what they'll do, and make enemies wonder what move players will do and how they could block it.

This mind game, called conditioning, means setting up opponents to do something that Potemkin can easily punish with a throw. A good ol' fashioned knockdown can become a great setup to his stronger mixups.

7 Command Normals Access Range

Despite his movement limitations, Potemkin does have a means to access various ranges on a basic level. Thanks to his Command Normals, Potemkin should have ways of dishing out punishments to opponents that fail to follow through with their attacks.

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  • Command Normal 1 (Punch) gives Potemkin upper-body invincibility when he places his hands forward as though he's praying. This is a great counter for attackers who want to jump in.
  • Command Normal 2 (Kick) is a shoulder charge lunge, which can close the gap at a mid-range level.
  • Command Normal 3 (Heavy Slash) will have Potemkin throw both his fists at his opponent. Despite the long setup, its long range may be worth the while.

6 Find Ways To Close The Gap

For a melee powerhouse with slow speed like Potemkin, it's easy for enemies to realize that getting further from Potemkin and dishing out range should make for an easy win. Potemkin players shouldn't fret, though, as Potemkin has just the right tools for the job:

  • Hammerfall is a go-to speed option, as this forward lunge has armor against one attack.
  • Slide Head releases a terrible earthquake that can knockdown enemies from afar, giving Potemkin the chance to approach.

However, players should note that these gap-closers do have weak frames of their own. Keeping that in mind, players should only use these gap-closers whenever necessary.

5 The Signature Potemkin Buster

Similar to other characters with signature moves, Potemkin's Potemkin Buster remains his bread and butter. In fact, it's this move that highlights his grab supremacy throughout the game — or the entire franchise. This is his Command Grab, dealing massive damage.

However, Potemkin Buster also possesses flaws. When used by itself, opponents can easily punish Potemkin with a good counter. Given the preparation-heavy nature of Potemkin Buster, its setup is easy to see. Potemkin needs to find ways to stun opponents first to secure this combo.

4 Master The Fatal Feint

Of the moves in Potemkin's kit, it's Hammerfall that helps him create the most setups. Aside from the Potemkin Buster, Hammerfall can help Potemkin access a lot of his close-ranged mix-ups. Hammerfall also has the massive advantage of attack cancellation.

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For instance, players in the middle of Hammerfall can cancel the move right before Potemkin makes the attack part of the lunge. In turn, Hammerfall becomes a mini-dash, leaving Potemkin close enough to open more devastating moves.

3 Choose The Buster Setup

Players who want to dish out heavy damage with the Potemkin Buster might appreciate other moves that essentially acts as setups. When used in the appropriate situation, Potemkin will easily get access to a handy Potemkin Buster without much worries.

  • Heat Knuckle is a great way to stop an opponent's assault from mid air. Once Potemkin grabs them from afar, Heat Knuckle can get straight into the Buster.
  • Garuda Impact is a great tool against opponents who love to block. Essentially a guard break, Garuda Impact's stun gives Potemkin more than enough time to initiate the Buster.

2 Capitalize On Overdrives

Given Potemkin's grab mastery and melee specialization, anyone who gets into his range will always be in for a world of hurt. In addition to Potemkin Buster, the gargantuan character does offer other neat Overdrives that can change the tide of battle when used properly.

  • Heavenly Potemkin Buster is a more potent derivative of the Potemkin Buster. It takes a ridiculously long time to setup on its own; however, when used properly, Potemkin receives invincibility throughout its startup. It is also a great combo finisher.
  • Giganter Kai is a great way to initiate a stronger offense on Potemkin's past. This summons a barrier that moves forward, either getting enemies closer or further from Potemkin. This can lead into more powerful mixups.

1 Prioritize Protective Skills

Potemkin's sheer defense already makes him a formidable opponent to face. However, players can further maximize his defense if they capitalize on his protective skillset. In fact, some of Potemkin's signature skills are specifically designed to protect him from various enemy approaches.

  • Heat Knuckle is a great defensive option, as this grab will snatch opponents high in the air.
  • Mega Fist is a handy reach option. This blocks not only anti-air, but also lows and crouch blockers. It works both forwards and backwards, too.
  • F.D.B. is a projectile reflector, with Potemkin flicking enemy projectiles back at them. When charged, the reflected attack has increased damage.

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Guilty Gear Strive: 10 Tips For Playing As Potemkin | Game Rant Guilty Gear Strive: 10 Tips For Playing As Potemkin | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on July 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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