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10 Pro Tips For Ys 9: Monstrum Nox | Game Rant

With the Ys series first launching in 1987 on Japanese 8-Bit PCs it’s one the oldest Japanese RPGs in existence. It’s never quite hit the mainstream heights of the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy series in the West. It has, however, gained bigger audiences in recent years leading to many of the past games getting remastered and remade for modern handhelds, consoles, and PC platforms.

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Developed by Falcom, Ys is an action RPG series that centers around a red-headed adventurer named Adol Christin. Yet, despite the timeline and connections, each game is welcoming to new fans with self-contained stories and hours of content. With hours worth of content, side-quests, and adventures in the latest title Ys IX: Monstrum Nox it’s always a good idea to go into these games with some good tips.

10 Hold On To The Tempest Elixirs

Leveling up and getting one’s characters at their strongest is the lifeblood of any good RPG. So it will be tempting then to use the collected Tempest Elixirs and increase their character's levels by gaining all of their EXP as quickly as possible.

However, it’s a much better idea to save them up and use them nearer the end of the game’s story. When the game reaches its final chapter. Players will know this because even the game will encourage them to use them up at this point.

9 Use The Tempest Elixirs On Adol

Saving the Tempest Elixirs until the very last chapter in the story is some of the best advice one can give in Ys IX. For the sake of keeping the party balanced it is understandable that players will want to use the Elixirs on the entire party.

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Yet, since Adol is the primary focus in the game it’s actually better for players to use the Elixirs on him. This way he can reach an almost god-like level of 99 and PlayStation 4 players will be able to unlock a rather tricky trophy.

8 Use Stat Boosters Sparingly

The stat boosters in the game such as the Strength, Defence, and Life Elixirs are consumable items that can really lend a helping hand in a tight situation. However, it would be wise to only use them in the most difficult fights.

The reason for this is because not only does it improve a player’s skill, but doesn’t become a crutch in combat. Additionally, keeping these boosters for the later chapters will prove just as useful. Furthermore, these boosters are worth thousands of in-game money and can be sold to either rack up a million gold for a trophy on the PS4 or sold for other valuables.

7 Work To Uncover The Map

There are a lot of secrets, items, and quests to uncover in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. As a result, it can be very easy to miss a lot of these in the first playthrough or when exploring a new area. The easiest way to find everything in the game is to uncover the map in its entirety.

The easiest way to do this to is check Adol’s map frequently and move towards the darker areas and uncover it. As a reward for opening up another 10% of the map each time, Adol and his party gain new rewards. Furthermore, completionists on the PS4 will get a trophy for uncovering 100% of it.

6 Check The Bulletin Board For Monster Quests

The map can reveal most items and side quests in the game waiting to be discovered. However, when it comes to the Monster Hunting quests these need to be accepted via the game’s bulletin boards after they are commissioned by Aprilis.

Furthermore, there’s a side-quest that fans won't want to miss that needs to be accepted from Aprilis in Chapter 7 – Capriccio of the Prison. This quest can only be accepted via the bulletin board and will reward Adol with the Fenrir Claws.

5 Flash Guard And Flash Move

Effectively, the Flash Move and Flash Guard abilities are Adol’s superpower that allows him to slow down time and become invincible for a period of time. In other words, be prepared to be spamming these abilities a lot in the fights.

Fans complained that these mechanics made Ys VIII a bit too easy and that is still the case to some degree with Ys IX. However, they require a little more precision in this game as the window for invincibility has been reduced but it’s still worth getting to grips with these mechanics.

4 Sell Old Equipment

As the game’s story progresses Adol and his friends will consistently find or purchase better weapons and armor. As a result, it’s always a good idea to not get too attached to any obsolete equipment and sell it off as soon as possible.

Naturally, getting rid of old equipment is another good way to earn gold to purchase new items, armor, and weapons. It’s tempting to purchase enhancements for the weapons at Tito’s shop instead but it will work out far cheaper to buy weapons instead.

3 Work To Raise Affinity

Raising Adol’s affinity with other characters and allies in the game is important if one wants to see everything Ys IX has to offer. Taking some inspiration from Persona 5, Ys IX: Monstrum Nox has a social relationship mechanic.

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Developing a relationship and a bond with the 18 characters whose affinity can boost to maximum level. There are 3 affinity levels per character and 54 in total as revealed in Adol’s journal. So that means players should purchase all the presents as soon as they become available in the stores.

2 Crafting Gear Is Important

Naturally, saving gold and selling boosters is a great way to buy gear in Ys IX. It’s a far better idea and a much cheaper option to get Adol and his team to craft their gear instead. The biggest downside to crafting, of course, is the need to obtain the materials.

The Legendary Weapons, for example, will require the Legendary Book from the Baldug Fortress of Yore. Once it is obtained Adol needs to hand it over to Tito to create the weapons. Before he can make these weapons, the correct crafting items are needed. These crafting materials can be purchased from a Salamander named Morbihan at the Dandelion Basement.

1 Equip The Shadow Shoes

As mentioned, the Flash Move and Flash Guard abilities are the most powerful in the game. So by default, seeking out the best accessories to boost those abilities to double their power should be high on the agenda.

In chapter 5, Adol can purchase the Shadow Shoes from Lillet’s Gift Shop in the Entertainment District. The Shadow Shoes will double time the Flash Move status is in effect. These boots will become a staple of the character’s equipment until they can be upgraded to the Chronos Boots later in the game.

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10 Pro Tips For Ys 9: Monstrum Nox | Game Rant 10 Pro Tips For Ys 9: Monstrum Nox | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on August 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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