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How Warzone 2 proximity chat works

How Warzone 2 proximity chat works

Warzone 2 proximity chat is just one of several new features coming to the free to play game, providing additional immersion while you’re making your way through the expansive Warzone 2 map. While it allows you to seamlessly coordinate with members of your team in the immediate vicinity, there’s also the danger that an enemy combatant could overhear and successfully pinpoint your location.

Of course, you can also use Warzone 2 proximity chat in your favour by coordinating with your team to feed the enemy bad intel, baiting them into making mistakes that could cost them the match. But how exactly does it work, and is there a means of disabling it? To answer these questions, here’s the lowdown on the Warzone 2 proximity chat.

RELATED LINKS: Warzone 2 release date, Warzone 2 DMZ details, Warzone 2 map
How Warzone 2 proximity chat works How Warzone 2 proximity chat works Reviewed by Unknown on November 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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