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Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans

Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans

As Valve bans 90,000 Dota 2 smurf accounts, the Steam developer says the use of alternate accounts to dodge your intended rank, cheat, or grief other players is “not welcome in Dota.” It adds that every Dota 2 smurf account banned in this wave has been traced back to its owner’s main Steam account, and that in future instances punishments for smurfing in the MOBA will extend to your main account as well.

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Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans Valve stamps out Dota 2 smurfs and threatens main account bans Reviewed by Unknown on September 02, 2023 Rating: 5

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