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Cities Skylines 2 map size and buildable area

Cities Skylines 2 map size and buildable area

How big are the Cities Skylines 2 maps? There are few things scarier than a blank page, or in this case, an open expanse. The potential there can be crippling, and can leave the best of us in ruins. You want to create the ultimate city, with a happy populace and a healthy economy, but how do you plan without first knowing how much room you have to work with?

As we've explained in our Cities Skylines 2 review, we spent quite some time pontificating on just what kind of city we’re going to create. If you’re like us, it’s more of a ‘whatever works’ approach - this fire station here, that toxic waste dump there, no problem. But for others, the management game is a chance to craft something beautiful. With that comes careful planning; utilizing the space you’re afforded with ruthless efficiency. So, how big are the Cities Skylines 2 maps?

MORE FROM PCGAMESN: Cities Skylines 2 review, Cities Skylines 2 roads, Cities Skylines 2 maps
Cities Skylines 2 map size and buildable area Cities Skylines 2 map size and buildable area Reviewed by Unknown on October 25, 2023 Rating: 5

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