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Here’s when the Battlefield 5 open beta goes live

August 20, 2018 DICE has provided an actual release date for Battlefield V's open beta.

Battlefield V’s open beta is upon us in just a handful of weeks, and DICE has provided a whole bunch of specifics on when to expect the early taste, as well as what’s on the plate when the beta launches. Full, public access starts on September 6 - though, as you might expect, you can pay your way into an even earlier taste. If you’ve pre-ordered the game or are an Origin Access subscriber (either standard or premium), you’ll get two days of early access to the beta starting on September 4. Pre-loads will be available on September 3 at 1:00 PDT / 4:00 EDT / 9:00 BST. There have already been a number of Battlefield 5 alphas over the last several months, but access has been limited to a DICE-approved selection of players. If you weren’t one of the lucky few to get in, this’ll be your chance, and you’ll also likely see some gameplay improvements like changes to the controversial bleeding out mechanic. The beta will offer two maps for the 64-player conquest mode, setting you loose to battle for control in Rotterdam and Arctic Fjord locations. Grand Operations - a “modular narrative experience” - will also be available, offering airborne and breakthrough modes and Arctic Fjord. A “preview” of the game’s historically focused Tides of War will be playable as well, with a five-part chapter set to be part of the beta.
Here’s when the Battlefield 5 open beta goes live Here’s when the Battlefield 5 open beta goes live Reviewed by Unknown on August 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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