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Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Gives Leia a 'Different' Look

Star Wars Battlefront 2 got off to somewhat of a rocky start with its controversial lootbox mechanics that were disdained by many. However, the game has since gone on to receive additional content from EA and DICE to at least partially atone, though none of this additional content involves the recent explicit Princess Leia mod currently available online.

Two years after it's release and two weeks ahead of the release of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which just received a launch trailer, Star Wars Battlefront 2 has received a naked Leia mod that likely should have been released a while ago given the character's appeal to male Star Wars fans. However, modding Star Wars Battlefront 2 had initially been considered very difficult by experienced modders.

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Despite this, one modder has gotten the nude Leia mod operational, and there are two versions of this Princess Leia variant in Star Wars Battlefront 2. There is one where Princess Leia wears a hood of some sort and one where she wears no hood at all, making this version fully nude. The mod is apparently fairly detailed in its depiction of the popular Star Wars character, so it's best to take precautions for those who plan on using the mod around others.

As silly as this might seem, mods like these may be the only content to be added to Star Wars Battlefront 2 for a while. No new DLC has yet been announced for the game and it's been said that there are no plans for Star Wars Battlefront 3 from DICE. Given the lukewarm reception to the first title and the backlash to the second, it is likely that DICE wants to work on other projects it won't face as much heat for.

In the meantime, gamers can get reasonably excited for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which is currently considered a contender for "game of the year" by some. It's set to be the first major Star Wars single-player titles in years and the trajectory of EA's time with the Star Wars franchise may rely on the success of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is currently available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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Source: Nexusmods (via Dark Side Of Gaming)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Gives Leia a 'Different' Look Star Wars Battlefront 2 Mod Gives Leia a 'Different' Look Reviewed by Unknown on October 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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