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Uno Card Game Removes Specific Colors for Strange Reason

Mattel Games is releasing a new version of the popular card game Uno that may be just what some families need for the holidays.

Plenty of families have traditions that they like to revisit every holiday season. One of those traditions is often playing card or board games with the family as a bonding experience. Another often unfortunate tradition is to argue about politics, often while playing a board or card game. As such, Mattel is doing its part and offering a less political version of Uno.

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Mattel introduced the Nonpartisan Uno card set, designed to remove the politics from everyone's favorite card game by taking out the blue and red colors that represent the Democratic and Republican parties of the USA. The Nonpartisan Uno set replaces blue and red with purple and orange, while also shifting green to a more of an avocado coloring. The pack also includes a "Special Rule" card, which when played can command one family member to end their line of conversation before it shifts to politics.

The Nonpartisan Uno pack is intended to be a joke product and isn't meant to be taken seriously. It's making light of the currently heavily partisan atmosphere in the USA, though Mattel does appear to hope that the Uno pack will add some levity to family discourse. The Uno box's cover reads "No Red or Blue Cards Means No Taking Sides!" and has the word "Politics" crossed out. Mattel may not be able to remove politics from family conversations, but it can potentially help everyone relax and enjoy Uno that much more.

Nonpartisan Uno appears to be a limited edition of the card game. The official Uno website lists just a single retailer selling copies of the game. Walmart has the privilege and it has worked out well for the retailer. All copies of Nonpartisan Uno are currently sold out. The retailer lists Nonpartisan Uno as Out of Stock, but offers a notification service that will email potential buyers when it's available again. The box costs just $4.97.

Nonpartisan Uno is just one of the dozens of different brands of Uno that Mattel games is currently selling. The toy manufacturer also made branded versions of the game including Avengers Uno, Harry Potter Uno, Uno Emoji, and so many others. They're meant to appeal to a wide range of potential Uno players. Nonpartisan Uno is particularly interesting though, because it's more of a marketing campaign than a product. If they can't buy Nonpartisan Uno, families can buy a regular copy of the game and joke about how they'll just have to argue about politics like normal for the holidays.

Nonpartisan Uno is available now exclusively through Walmart, though it's currently out of stock.

MORE: 10 Board Games The Whole Family Can Enjoy

Uno Card Game Removes Specific Colors for Strange Reason Uno Card Game Removes Specific Colors for Strange Reason Reviewed by Unknown on November 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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