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Resident Evil: Every Common Type of Zombie | Game Rant

Resident Evil's world is rich with many different monstrosities and sub-species, but each game generally has a main type of zombified "foot soldier" it unleashes on players in high quantity. Understanding their purpose, how they were created, and who created them can provide further insight into the world of Resident Evil's world of bio-weapons.

Of course, fans generally accept that the majority of the enemies in Resident Evil's main games are zombies. However, it is a bit more complicated than that, as each one has slightly different characteristics and levels of advancement, as well as different types of viruses in their creation.

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There are some nuances that hardcore Resident Evil fans can pick at in terms of the differences between the zombies in Resident Evil 0 and 1 and their viral strains, for instance. However, overall, the zombies in these main games are generally similar as far as the player is concerned. These are essentially classic zombies, which are mostly brain-dead, other than their instinctive urge to gravitate towards the fresh meat of living beings as they slowly lope forward.

The regular zombies were actually, more or less, created accidentally by Umbrella, or considered a shortcoming in early experiments, in its greater ambitions to engineer more advanced bio-weapons from the T-Virus strains it created from a West African flower, which it discovered in 1966. That does not mean Umbrella did not see usage for these zombies as well, and certainly it could come in handy for infecting zones with a high-density of enemy combatants in the future. 

On the contrary, the zombie was not exactly the ultimate creation Umbrella had in mind in its quest to create something more akin to a Tyrant in mass-production. Also, their spread can be hard to control, as any victim who is bitten by one of these zombies typically transforms into a zombie.

The main enemies in Resident Evil 4 have no organic connection to the zombies in the previous Resident Evil games. These types of enemies maintain some of their previous memories and consciousness, but become subservient to the orders and directions of a leader that has the more dominant form of the parasite that plagues these populations, known as the Las Plagas parasite. 

Since they can take orders and maintain some of their intelligence, they are able to brandish weapons. The normal enemies in Resident Evil 4 can not spread their infection by biting potential hosts, as is the case with the zombies in previous games. The only way to convert someone is to inject them with the egg form of the Las Plagas parasite.

The Las Plagas parasites live in a cave nearby, in a mountainous region of Spain where the game takes place. Also, to fully convert into one of these enemies, the host has to be mentally willing to convert and be subservient to its leader. This is why the Los Iluminados terror cult in Resident Evil 4 required the help of the town's priest in convincing the villagers to accept conversion and willfully take the injections of the Las Plagas parasites.

After Albert Wesker gets his hands on Las Plagas parasite samples at the end of Resident Evil 4 and transfers them to the company Tricell, the Type 2 Las Plagas parasites are engineered. These are used in the outbreak in Resident Evil 5's West Africa setting. On the surface, the main enemies in Resident Evil 5 resemble the same enemies in Resident Evil 4, but story-wise, there are some differences. Type 2 Plagas can infect the host and make them subservient to a leader even against their will, as long as they are orally force fed a mature full-body parasite itself. 

Unlike the Plagas in Resident Evil 4 which are injected into the blood stream, these are consumed orally. Type 2 Las Plagas also convert the hosts within mere moments, contrary to Resident Evil 4's hosts, which take some serious time to fully convert. 

The Family, an influential fraternity with money and power to influence U.S. politics, created the C-Virus by fusing elements of the T-Veronica and G-Virus samples, originally created by Umbrella in the old days. This virus creates two different types of enemies, depending how it infects the host. 

If the C-Virus is spread into thin air utilizing its mist form, it creates brainless zombies more akin to those in the original Resident Evil games. If the C-Virus is injected into its host's blood stream, it creates an enemy that maintains much of its former conscious, albeit it can often result in various mutations that look visually similar to those infected with the Plagas parasites. 

However, there is no connection between these two infections. Those injected with the C-Virus, unlike those who breath in the airborne version, can also run, move quickly, gain various enhancements, and can brandish weapons. This explains why, in Resident Evil 6, the enemies that the player encounters in China are much different than the zombies in Leon Kennedy's campaign in the U.S. At the end of the day, they are both C-Virus zombies, but the results are extremely different based on how they are infected with it.

Some players confuse the zombies in Leon's campaign as being infected with the T-Virus, given their behavioral similarities and visual appearance. But these zombies are unable to spread the virus through bites, which makes such usage of the mist-form of the C-Virus bio-weapon much easier to control. It is a much more attractable bio-weapon in its ability to infect large swaths of an area, while ensuring the virus does not spread out beyond that.

 RELATED: Resident Evil's Black Market - Viruses and Parasites

The main enemies in Resident Evil 7 were the result of a fungal super-organism created by the crime syndicate known as The Connections. They were known as the Molded,and are made from this fungal Mold, reanimated after a corpse is fed to the Mold. This creates enough organic fuel to construct a new body. However, if enough of the Mold presents itself together in an area, it can animate and create itself into one of these enemies without a corpse.

In other words, they do not merely reanimate a dead corpse as a zombie dies, but they use a corpses organic "fuel" as a means to grow into something anew, despite its humanoid shape. This also gives them a lot of leeway in creating bodily functions to use as weaponry, such as spiked teeth and large claws for their arms.

Unlike those infected with the Plagas virus or C-Virus, the Molded can not utilize objects as weapons, despite having more intelligence than regular T-Virus Zombies (or C-Virus zombies infected by the airborne version). The Mold are also organically programmed with the objective of protecting their original creator, which in the case of Resident Evil 7, is Eveline. 

In Resident Evil Revelations, T-Abyss zombies are humans infected with the T-Abyss virus, which was created by the company Tricell by fusing the Abyss virus and the T-Virus. The Abyss virus was a new virus found on some fish in an ocean trench near New Zealand, which gave the fish the ability to withstand high pressure at a great depth.

The terrorist group, II Veltro, was responsible for the outbreak of the T-Abyss zombies in Resident Evil Revelations. Those infected with this virus endure decomposition of their tissue after they are killed, which liquefy's, then re-solidifies itself into a new form. 

If they are killed for good, this is why they liquefy in the game. Those infected with the T-Abyss virus are in need of obtaining the bodily fluids of other living beings, and they will often try to drain them of their internal fluid. They are constantly in need of hydration.

Similar to T-Virus zombies, these enemies can infect hosts by biting them. However, their spread in water is even easier to transmit, hence why the II Veltro threatened to infect the world's oceans with the virus if their demands were not met.


Those infected with the T-Phobos virus only mutate into a zombie if they feel high amounts of fear or anxiety, as it effects their mind. The virus was created for ideological purposes by Alex Wesker in order to eliminate humans who are mentally weak, while retaining those who mentally fit to be hosts for more advanced bio-weaponry experiments. This virus was deployed on human test subjects on Sushestvovanie Island, which was essentially one gigantic experiment of the twisted mind of Alex Wesker and the setting of Revelations 2.

If a regular human infected with the T-Phobos virus experiences torture and abuse, the fear that is triggered causes them to mutate into an Afflicted. They are vulnerable to light, given that they spent most of their time imprisoned in the dark when they went through their mutation processes.  It only takes seconds for them to mutate in reaction to high mental fear. Though they are crazed by fear, they have some intelligence to utilize basic weapons, but mainly resort to biting and scratching. 

And that sums up the common enemies found in Resident Evil's universe, not counting the various effects these same viruses have on other beings such as animals, or more powerful strains that result in the game series' difficult boss fights. The majority of enemies the player encounters throughout the Resident Evil universe are more often than not one of the variations of the above zombies, or foot soldiers. 

Their various offshoots or sub-strains are responsible for the even more devilish creations. While the differences between some of these enemies may be in mere nuance, their lore, history, origins and biology is each unique, providing much depth for fans of the Resident Evil universe.

MORE: Resident Evil's Viruses and Their Historical Origins

Resident Evil: Every Common Type of Zombie | Game Rant Resident Evil: Every Common Type of Zombie | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on January 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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