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The 10 Hardest Bosses In Luigi's Mansion 3 | Game Rant

Luigi's Mansion 3 has a lot of good things going for it. The gameplay is good, graphics are amazing, and a constant pro that is given for the game is that the creativity with bosses and dialogue is superb. The bosses in this game are much better than the original Luigi’s Mansion, and especially Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.

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While this game wasn’t super difficult to complete, there were times where bosses could give Luigi some trouble, especially if he, or the player, hadn’t mastered the abilities they needed for victory. This could make some bosses seem like hurdles rather than challenges. These are just 10 of the hardest bosses in Luigi’s Mansion 3.

10 Chef Soulffle

Fighting this crazy chef will provide Luigi a decent challenge. What’s hard about him isn’t the fact that he’s complicated to figure out. He will spin around the room with his trusty frying pan, trying to smack Luigi because of him ruining his meal. The problem is, sometimes the method to get a free hit changes, forcing Luigi to take a hit. There are two ways to take him down.

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After he’s tired, you can use the Suction Shot to pull his pan away from him after he tires out, and the second his shooting food, whether it be a melon or a fish, at him to knock his pan away. However, sometimes the Suction Shot fails to attach to the pan, causing Luigi to be too close, getting smacked in the face.

9 King MacFrights

The king of floor six was heavily introduced in trailers of the game, and his battle is in the middle of being difficult and easy. This battle tests reaction speed as he circles around, lifting his lance in the air and shooting arrows from the wall. He’ll charge Luigi, blocking preemptive light with his shield until he’s just about to strike, exposing his eyes for Luigi to stun. After destroying his armor, he’ll take on a role similar to Chef Coulffle, spinning around with his sword and shield, tiring himself out for Luigi to stun and capture after.

8 Dr. Potter

The Garden Suits is already considered one of the hardest and longest floors in the game, but it also has one of the most annoying bosses, Dr. Potter. He uses his pet plant to attack Luigi, not doing any attacks himself. It tries to sniff Luigi out, pouncing on him when he gets too close. However, what Luigi has to do is be at a specific point where his plant eats a large seed to get stuck, and then using a saw to cut him in half, allowing Luigi to begin to attack the doctor. Three phases of this will lead Luigi to get to the next floor.

7 Hellen Gravely

As the second to last fight, one would expect Hellen Gravely to be a difficult boss. She becomes a harder version of the fights against Jonny Deepend and Kruller, mixing the use of Gooigi in the fight. When played co-op, this fight becomes a lot easier that it needs to be. But running solo, it requires looking at the high ground and low ground, while also dodging the lasers, as well as Hellen Gravely herself while using Gooigi to shut down the laser grid. This is probably one of the harder solo bosses, but if you do it with another person, it becomes far easier.

6 Ug

This fight was honestly a surprise on the ninth floor. He starts out in a T-rex skeleton, possessing it at first to do battle with Luigi. He must shoot an egg into his mouth, and then as it’s trying to chew, shoot another one in his chest. After that, Luigi will have to use Gooigi, or debris to destroy the T-Rex skeleton to finish them off. After Luigi defeats his T-rex form, he jumps out, wielding a giant club to take him down. He’ll attack with shockwaves that Luigi will have to use his Burst ability to jump over them, and waiting until Ug tires out from swinging his club to attack and capture him.

5 Polterkitty

While not considered a major boss, Polterkitty harasses Luigi twice in the game, stealing the elevator button he just collected and running to other floors to hide (rather than taking them to her owner to end Luigi’s adventure, but whatever). Luigi then has to go back to three floors. The first time you see her, she’ll hide in rooms where Luigi has to shine a light on her, showing her true, monstrous form.

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Luigi then has to turn his back to her as she slowly approaches him, exposing her eyes right when she’s about to pounce. Luigi will have to be quick as he turns around, or else she’ll pounce on him and deal damage. In the final fight with her, Luigi will have to be fast and flash her and then turn around to flash her again, requiring quick reflexes.

4 Captain Fishook

Captain Fishhook is located in the Spectral Catch and chooses to possess a ship to eat Luigi. Luigi will need to use bombs and shoot them into the mouth of the ship to force him out, doing it three times. As Luigi is doing this, the mouth is constantly moving around, trying to chomp on Luigi and deal continuous damage. This is one of the only bosses in the game, however, that when it is freed and attacking, does 40 damage with an attack, rather than 20 or 10, making dodging him even more imperative. After draining a lot of his health, he will possess the wall behind Luigi, tilting the ship to try to eat him. Luigi will have to use the suction shot to hold on tight, else he’ll be consumed.

3 Nikki, Lindsey, And Ginny

These three ladies are the bosses of the Twisted Suites, having a maze-like floor for Luigi to traverse to reach them. This boss fight focuses on timing and the ability for the player to pay attention. They will spin around the room, hiding in their hats as they surround Luigi, coming closer and closer. Luigi has to use his burst ability to hit all three of them at once, flipping them over. However, the less of them still around as the fight progresses, the more important it is for Luigi to pay attention, or else he’ll take damage from guessing wrong.

2 King Boo

The final boss of Luigi’s Mansion 3, King Boo is pretty difficult, and probably the hardest version of King Boo from the three Luigi’s Mansion games. With lightning and his long tongue, he forces Luigi to use all his abilities in order to beat him. He also mixes tools that he has to use in other boss fights, like shooting bombs into mouths, using his Burst to dodge shockwaves and using Gooigi to deal blows to King Boo. After smacking him around twice, King Boo gets angry, adding a time limit to the battle as the painting increases in size. He also summons clones that will waste Luigi’s time if he shoots a bomb at them, causing them to disappear.

1 Clem

Underwater bosses are always on the harder sided of difficulty in Mario games, but how about fight a boss on water, while using a vacuum to control yourself and not touch the walls that will pop your raft and deal damage? Plus, you’ll have to dodge his fan attacks as you move around the pool, waiting until he’s dizzy to suck his tube and shoot him into the wall, popping his tube and leaving him vulnerable. The difficulty comes if you don’t tend to use Gooigi outside on places you need him. The fight is again, like Hellen Gravely’s, easier when it is done in co-op, rather than alone. The boat controls are a little finicky, making the fight solo a lot harder than it needs to be.

NEXT: Luigi’s Mansion 3: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

The 10 Hardest Bosses In Luigi's Mansion 3 | Game Rant The 10 Hardest Bosses In Luigi's Mansion 3 | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on January 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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