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10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal has blasted players away with how intense and thrilling its gameplay is. The Doom Slayer has never felt so powerful in a gamer's control. However, while the gameplay for this latest entry in the Doom franchise has clearly exceeded expectations, the story has left many scratching their heads in puzzlement.

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Plot developments in the game's story have left lore fans befuddled, from gaps between Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal to inaccuracies in game logs. And what's worse, the ending left players reeling with even more unanswered questions. Read on if you want to go over Doom Eternal's unresolved mysteries and confusing plot holes.

10 Is Vega The "Father?"

Toward the end of Doom Eternal, it is strongly suggested (by Vega himself, no less) that Vega is the "Father," the creator of the Maykr race. However, this runs counter to the previously held understanding that Vega was nothing more than an AI construct Samuel Hayden built to run his Mars operation. Doom Eternal teases this mystery, but does not outright answer it definitively. Vega's past and future remain shrouded in questions.

9 Where Did The Betrayer Get That Dagger?

The Betrayer hands the Slayer a dagger that players later see stabbed into the heart of the Icon of Sin. When the Slayer does this, the Khan Maykr loses control of the gigantic beast. How did the Betrayer get a hold of this dagger? Why exactly does it wrest control of the Icon from the Khan Maykr once it's plunged into its heart? Doom Eternal offers no answers to players. But at this point, the game diverts attentions from questions of "why" to an engaging boss battle with the Icon.

8 The Khan Maykr's Powerlessness

Doom Eternal's big villain is notably the Khan Maykr. She is pitted against the Slayer as she tries to harvest the souls of humanity for Argent Energy. She is constantly portrayed as an incredibly powerful being.

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However, when the Slayer arrives on Urdak to stop her from using the Icon of Sin, she simply stands by and shrieks, "No!" All her vaunted strength and cunning disappears in this tiny cutscene. She becomes a bystander to her own destruction.

7 Is Samuel Hayden The Seraphim Maykr Or Human?

Alongside the tease that Vega is the Maykr's "Father," the revelation that Samuel Hayden might be a rogue Maykr is also dropped onto players of Doom Eternal. Both the Seraphim and Samuel have identical voices, and even some of their lines of dialogue are reminiscent of each other's. This is in stark contrast with the Samuel Hayden players got to know in Doom (2016). Codex entries in that game detailed how Samuel was a human who made a fortune by capitalizing on his genius and drive.

6 The Confusing Creation Of Argent Energy

Doom (2016) tied the creation of Argent energy to Hell's manipulation of the Elemental Wraiths from Argent D'Nur. While Doom Eternal does not outright retcon this, it surely muddies the waters. Doom Eternal cites the creation of Argent Energy as a mix of Maykr technology with the essence of tortured souls from Hell. The power from the Wraiths is an ingredient that "purifies" the process. It makes the "science" of the game just a tad more confusing.

5 What Happened To The Slayer Between Games?

Perhaps the biggest question left hanging from Doom Eternal is presented to gamers at the very beginning of the game. The end of Doom (2016) saw the Slayer teleported to who knows where by the devious Samuel Hayden. However, the beginning of Doom Eternal sees the Slayer riding in his very own Fortress of Doom in space.

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At no point do players learn how this came about. Given the game's predilection for top-notch gameplay, gamers aren't too disappointed to be thrust right into the action though.

4 The Sentinels' Actions On Sentinel Prime

The Slayer stops at nothing to achieve his objectives, no matter the cost. When he sets his sights on eliminating the Hell Priest Deag Grav, the Slayer does not hesitate to kill him, even though spilling his blood on Sentinel Prime results in being banished from the place. The bigger question though is why this particular action nets the Slayer such ire. Deag Grav is responsible for the deaths of countless Sentinels due to his betrayal. Why would Sentinels turn on the Slayer for getting rid of such a creature?

3 Who Or What Is The Dark Lord?

Though the Khan Maykr is undoubtedly the big villain of Doom Eternal, hints of an even greater foe are sprinkled throughout the game. The Khan made a deal with the realm of Hell in order to procure Argent Energy. Apparently, there is a Dark Lord of Hell with whom she reached this agreement. Fans can only wonder (and hope) at who this Dark Lord is. If this being were to make an appearance in a future Doom game, players would not be disappointed.

2 What Is Ghost Novik Doing?

Fairly early on in the game, the Slayer runs into King Novik, the ruler of the Sentinels for ages. However, this Novik is not made of flesh and blood. He has a ghostly appearance as he sits on his throne. Novik has words of warning and praise for the Slayer in equal measure. But gamers can only guess at what this character is up to. Why is he a ghost? Is he truly on the Slayer's side? Does he retain power over the Sentinels anymore?

1 How Has The Slayer Survived So Long?

Admittedly, the Slayer survives only so long as the player keeps him moving, shooting as he goes. However, Doom Eternal went to great lengths to tie the Slayer's story from all Doom games together. It implies that the same character gamers controlled in the very first Doom is the one we use in Eternal. At the same time, Doom Eternal also stipulates that the "Doomguy" is a human from Earth. How is this possible? How has he survived for so long? But at the end of the day, do we even care so long as we can rip and tear?

NEXT: Doom Guy Vs. Master Chief: Who Wins In A Fight?

10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Doom Eternal 10 Unresolved Mysteries & Plot Holes Left Hanging In Doom Eternal Reviewed by Unknown on May 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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