Borderlands 2: Best Cheats in 2020 | Game Rant
With Borderlands 2 now on the Nintendo Switch and Epic Games Store, it's time to look back on some cheats players have used in the past to help them throughout the game.
Borderlands 2 is an action RPG game developed by Gearbox Studios that initially released for Windows, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and OS X back in September of 2012. the game is a sequel to the first Borderlands game that centers on a group of "Vault Hunters" in their search for treasure and attempt to free their planet's control from the antagonist Handsome Jack.
The game was a massive success selling over 22 million copies and gained the Game of the Year title for 2012. The game has recently branched out to new players on the Epic Games Store and Nintendo Switch, so here are some cheats for players to use who are trying out the game for the first time.
If newcomers are struggling with a raid boss, there is a glitch they could use to help do the max amount of damage possible. With the Venture Morningstar, empty the magazine of the gun until it's out of ammo. Once players reload, quickly switch to another weapon and back to the Morningstar, repeating this process for about 30 to 40 seconds. After doing this, players will notice that after their second critical shot, they will be doing more than double the damage they were dealing with before with every critical hit. This glitch also transfers to other guns equipped, as long as players don't save and quit.
Another good cheat to use is the Unlimited XP glitch for players who aren't feeling up to grind for experience. With Marcus' training dummies during the rock paper genocide missions, find a specific alleyway next to the shop to glitch through the ceiling. Players should make their way through the backside of Marcus' shop until they are in front of the test dummy. Keep killing the vandal with any other weapon type than the one assigned in the mission and he will keep coming, giving you XP for every kill.
Borderlands 2 was a great addition to the series; it kept the feel of the old game while introducing new mechanics and likable vault hunters to the sequel. It is good to see that many other new players are going to experience this game and join a lively fanbase.
Borderlands 2 is out now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.
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