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Viral Video Shows How Quickly VR Can Go Wrong | Game Rant

There's no doubt that virtual reality can be a lot of fun, but putting on a headset and effectively transporting that person to an entirely different area does come with some potential risks. For example, moving around too much while unable to see one's environment could allow for injuries, like tripping and falling.

An injury is exactly what happened when Twitter user ashleycacioppo lent what appears to be an Oculus Quest to her father. She then recorded as he tried out Richie's Plank Experience, which has players carefully walk across a simulated wooden plank while 80 stories in the air.

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This could be a terrifying experience for new VR players, but for some reason, Ashley's father had the opposite reaction. After carefully making his way to the end of a plank both in-game and in the real world, he suddenly launched himself through the air and went crashing into the family's television.

It's not clear why Ashley's father would want to dive off the plank when most likely try to avoid doing just that in the game. But in any case, it shows how immersive virtual reality can be, especially if you add a physical, palpable component to the game as they did with the plank. Presumably, he forgot all about his real world surroundings and ended up with a painful surprise - and a broken TV - because of it.

While virtual reality has a long way to go before it becomes as immersive as it's shown to be in movies like Ready Player One, clearly it can already fool people.

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Viral Video Shows How Quickly VR Can Go Wrong | Game Rant Viral Video Shows How Quickly VR Can Go Wrong | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on May 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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