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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: The 10 Best Blades And Who To Equip Them To

One of the cool new features in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the ability to equip the main characters (Drivers) with a number of living weapons known as Blades. A finely tuned set of Blades gives a Driver a myriad of options for performing devastating combos during battle. There are a good number of Blades that can be found throughout the game, but some serve the Drivers better than other Blades, and some serve certain Drivers better than other Drivers. This can make choosing the right Blades a little bit tricky. Fear not! For the following ten Blades and Driver pairings are some of the best in the game.

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Please Note: Characters Tora and Vandham have been omitted as they do not equip traditional Blades. Legendary Blades that first appear with the characters will be omitted. It's advisable that each character's Legendary Blade is in every three-Blade roster.

10 Zenobia

Equip To: Rex

It's very lucky for a player to find this rare Blade early on in a random core. Zenobia is by far on of the best Blades that can be equipped to Rex besides his Legendary Blade Pyra/Mythra. Zenobia's an incredibly strong Attack type which suits Rex's Fighter class perfectly. Her weapon of choice is a greataxe and her wind element won't create any overlap with Rex's Legendary Blade. If her character design seems a bit familiar, that's because she was designed by Minoru Iwamoto of Tales of Vespiria.

9 Agate

Equip To: Rex

It might seem a bit repetitive to go with another greataxe user, but that particular Blade weapon of choice is a good fit with Rex. If it's preferable to mix it up, by all means, do so. There aren't really any wrong choices in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, there are just some that are better than others making for a smoother experience. Agate is also a user of the Earth element, so you won't have any overlap in a Character Party with Mythra and Zenobia.

8 Roc

Equip To: Rex (or Zeke)

If a play-style calls for a little more variety  for Team Rex than three scantily clad females, look no further than Roc. Roc will not be found right away or in a random core. This Legendary Blade only becomes available at a certain spoiler heavy portion of the main story. Since he uses the element of Wind, it's best to sub him for Zenobia's spot to keep your elements varied. If Roc is someone a player would like on the roster, but not with Rex, he's a good option for Zeke as well.

7 Nim

Equip To: Nia

Nia has a lot of great Blade options here because all of her best Blades look so unique. Keep in mind that Nia is the main Healer and if you want to max her to Master Healer, it's going to be imperative to make sure she's using three Healer type Blades. Nim fills that Healer role and also brings the Earth element to the party.

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Notice that Earth hasn't shown up in Rex's Blade roster. This is most definitely by design. It's best to keep the element types as varied as possible.

6 Ursula

Equip To: Nia

As stated, it's best to keep Elemental types as varied as possible, so equipping Nia with this Ice type Healer is a great idea. Earlier it was mentioned that Nia will have a pretty unique looking party. Nim looks like a human/deer hybrid, and Ursula comes to the party with her very own polar bear familiar that will make a seasoned JRPG player think back to Ni No Kuni, but more importantly it makes for a rather dynamic Character Menu screen!

5 Boreas

Equip To: Nia

Nim, Ursula, and Dromarch is Nia's ideal roster. Unfortunately, most Blades are found randomly in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 by opening cores. There's never a guarantee any of these Blades will actually be found unless what might amount to hundreds of hours are sunk into the game. Boreas, a gigantic ball with the head of a rabbit, is a Wind type.

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It might require some moving around with other characters if you decide to put him on your roster and keep elemental abilities varied.

4 Electra

Equip To: Morag

Morag is the second option for the team's Defender. It's best to stick with Tora and Poppi for that role but it's a bad idea to totally neglect any character. Part of the strategy involved with Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is swapping Drivers and Blades in and out of the party line-up for certain battles. Electra only has one Aux Core, but her Electricity element is unused at this point and she's a very powerful Tank type Blade.

3 Kasandra

Equip To: Morag

Since regular Blades can't be equipped to the go-to Defender (Tora), there's no reason not to stick this tremendously powerful Tank type Blade with Morag. Kasandra has a superhero-like alter-ego that comes forth when performing specials, adding a bit of fun to any battle she's a part of.

2 Vale

Equip To: Zeke

It's unlikely that Zeke is going to see much use. He doesn't become playable until late game and fills the Fighter role that it's best to keep Rex in. Since it's still advisable to make sure Zeke is useful in a pinch, definitely give him Vale if she's found in a core. She's a powerful Attack type that uses the rather uncommon element of Darkness. It's good to have that Darkness option available.


Equip To: Zeke

KOS-MOS is very powerful and it might be tempting to stick her with Rex. It may also be tempting to experiment with other Drivers whose class she doesn't directly compliment. Keep in mind there are other Blades already well-suited for Rex, but KOS-MOS is so powerful. Get her into the roster by equipping her to Zeke. Having her Light element available to round out the party's elements is a good boon.

All of these options are not set in stone. It's possible these Blades won't be found on a first play-through. Like any good JRPG, the system is rather intricate and will take some experimenting.

NEXT: 5 Reasons Xenoblade Chronicles Is Better Than The Sequel (And 5 Reasons It Isn't)

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: The 10 Best Blades And Who To Equip Them To Xenoblade Chronicles 2: The 10 Best Blades And Who To Equip Them To Reviewed by Unknown on June 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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