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Prey is Ditching Denuvo DRM | Game Rant

PC gamers are often outspoken about their loathing of Denuvo and other DRM - or digital rights management - software being tacked on to videogames. While the software is intended to protect games from being cracked or otherwise meddled with, it's not always successful, and gamers argue that it also reduces the performance of their computers.

Luckily for PC players of Prey, they won't have to worry about Denuvo anymore in the near future. The Prey community manager took to Reddit to inform users that the process of getting rid of Denuvo was underway. If work on the backend had gone as intended, the DRM software would already be gone, but due to an unintended issue, the change had to be rolled back. Community manager slenderf0x has assured fans, however, that the change is coming at a later date.

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While most fans seem to be thrilled that the Denuvo DRM will be removed soon, some noted that the change should have been made some time ago. Denuvo DRM is only attached to the game on Steam, whereas the GOG version is Denuvo and DRM-free. This is a puzzling choice that has unfortunately left Steam players at a disadvantage, but hopefully the playing field will be leveled in the near future.

While Steam users wait for Denuvo to be removed, they should also keep their eyes open for potential Prey news, as leaks have pointed to the possibility of a Prey VR game coming in the future.

Prey is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Is Prey VR About To Be Revealed?

Prey is Ditching Denuvo DRM | Game Rant Prey is Ditching Denuvo DRM | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on July 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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