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The 15 Cutest Villagers From Animal Crossing, Ranked | Game Rant

Let's face it, nearly every Animal Crossing villager is as cute as a button. That is part of what makes the series so popular. They are all just adorable with their giant heads and little bodies. It makes it easier to do the fetch quests for them all day.

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Some are more popular than others though. If you played these games, there was always that villager cuter than all the rest that you hoped would never move out of town. Also, this is a count down of villagers and not characters that exist in every single town. So here are ten villagers that are super cute and ranked down to the cutest.

Updated July 17th, 2020 by Meg Pelliccio: Animal Crossing: New Horizons added a few entirely new characters to the franchise, as well as returning some old favorites who had been missing in previous titles. Though there are notably still some animals missing, New Horizons offers players the most animal villagers to date, and so players are spoilt for choice when it comes to recruiting their favorites.

While players are busy checking out the latest summer update and perfecting their little island paradise, they are often keeping their eyes peeled for the right villagers to add to their little slice of heaven. Of course, the cuter animals are generally the most sought after, so check out the below cutie-pies that you should keep an eye out for.

15 Sherb the Goat

Sherb was a new villager added with the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and is an adorable little pale blue goat with a blue lock of hair atop his head. Sherb is a lazy personality villager, but this just makes him all the more endearing. He'll often tell the player how the bugs in the walls are talking to him and he's just overall super cute in everything he does.

Sherb's house is very neat and tidy and is largely in hues of green and purple. Sherb has a love of napping, and this is also emphasized by his favorite K.K. Slider song being Hypno K.K..

14 Maple the Cub

This cub villager looks like a total teddy bear. She has also been in every Animal Crossing game so far. She is the cutest of the cub villagers, with Stitches coming in at a close second (mostly because some players find him creepy instead of cute).

Her fur is the color of maple syrup, so her look and her name fit together in a rather cute way. The light peach blush and hair tuft are also sweet little details. She is one cub you would not mind coming to your campsite.

13 Poppy the Squirrel

The squirrel villagers are particularly cute due to their tiny bodies with their fluffy tails and large heads. Poppy was introduced in Animal Crossing City Folk and she was popular enough to appear in the Animal Crossing track in Mario Kart 8.

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Out of the Animal Crossing personalities, Poppy's is normal so she is pretty kind to the protagonist and easy to make friends with. Other squirrels that are super cute include Marshal and Peanut but Poppy takes a place on this list because her beady little eyes are just too dang adorable.

12 Pekoe the Cub

Pekoe debuted in Animal Crossing: City Folk and has been in every title since. She is an adorable little bear cub villager whose hair and ears are styled to look as if she is wearing a traditional Chinese hairstyle, which goes nicely with her default clothing.

The Chinese theme continues in her home decor, which is stunningly beautiful and is mainly comprised of items from the Imperial series. Pekoe also appears on the cover of K.K. Slider's song Imperial K.K., which also happens to be her favorite song.

11 Tia the Elephant

The thing that has made Tia a popular character is that she is not just an elephant, but that her design is also based on a teapot. Her name is also very similar to the word "tea." While there are other cute elephants, Tia takes the cake.

Her clever design has inspired a lot of fan art by various fans. She just looks so delicate, as though she is truly made of porcelain. Her colors are also super cute and mellow and give her a dainty appearance.

10 Cookie the Dog

Cookie is the cutest dog villager, with Bones and Goldie as close seconds depending on your tastes. While a lot of the cuter villagers have a normal personality, Cookie is peppy, so she is very friendly and easily excitable. She has appeared in most games, but regrettably, she was absent in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

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Her cutest traits are her name, glittery eyes, and pink fur, not to mention her default outfit is also pretty adorable. Her name likely comes from the idea that dog treats are "cookies", as her catchphrase of "arfer" also plays on her being a dog.

9 Rosie the Cat

Rosie stands as one of if not the most popular Animal Crossing villager. She is a cat, and a lot of the cat villagers are adorable. She has appeared in every game, has a peppy personality, and was even a major character with a good deal of screen time in the Animal Crossing anime, Dōbutsu no Mori.

Her popularity stems from being a long-time character, being adorable, and having a friendly personality. For some older fans, just having her around is a nice nostalgic nod to the older games.

8 Merengue the Rhino

Merengue is similar to Tia in terms of having a very imaginative design. She is a Rhino with pink skin, whipped cream on her head, and a strawberry for a horn, which makes her reminiscent of a dessert. Essentially, she is part Rhino and part strawberry shortcake, which is absolutely adorable.

Her default clothing is the Chef's Outfit, which is rather fitting for her food theme. Like Tia, her unique design has made her a favorite for fan artists and there is some amazing fan art of this villager out there.

7 Kiki the Cat

Kiki is a villager veteran, as she has been in every Animal Crossing game. It is believed that her name may come from Hiyao Miyazaki's anime film Kiki's Delivery Service since the witch, Kiki has a black cat. Another theory is that "Kiki" is just a reference to the sound of the word "kitty-cat."

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Of course, the black cat villager would be on this list. Her fur color makes those large and adorable eyes pop. She is also a normal personality villager, so she is super nice to the protagonist.

6 Sylvana the Squirrel

Sylvana first appeared in Animal Forest e+ but didn't return to the series until the Welcome Amiibo update for Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Fortunately, she also reappeared for New Horizons as she is so cute. Though she is a squirrel, her facial markings are more reminiscent of a ferret.

She is a normal type villager who has an absolutely beautiful home that is set up to be a picnic amidst a cherry tree grove. Rather fittingly, her favorite song is Spring Blossoms.

5 Lolly the Cat

It is amazing how sometimes just taking away a character's nose makes them all the more adorable. That was Lolly's case anyway. Though her original Japanese name is Ramune, which if you think about it, is even cuter than Lolly since Ramune is a special Japanese soda.

Lolly does refer to sweets though, like a lollipop and her catchphrase is "bonbon" which is candy in French. Though that catchphrase is a little odd when you consider "bonbon" is also the name of another villager.

4 Judy the Cub

Judy was a new addition to the franchise with the release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and is so adorable it's unreal. Judy features beautiful blue and purple pastel hues and has sparkly eyes that complete her cuteness personified look.

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Judy has an interest in music and her house furnishings look rather childlike in appearance, largely featuring the wooden block series in bright colors. Despite her sweet appearance, Judy is of the snooty personality type, which means she can come across as mean at times to both the player and other villagers.

3 Kid Cat the Cat

Kid Cat is one of the cutest of the jock personality villagers. He is one of five superhero-themed villagers which include Agent S the squirrel, Rocket the gorilla, Filly the horse, and Big Top the elephant. Out of those five, Kid Cat is also the most adorable.

His initial catchphrase is "psst" like everything he is telling you is a secret. It is theorized that he was inspired by a popular Japanese franchise called Super Sentai. What can we say? The cat villagers make up most of the cutest character designs.

2 Dom the Sheep

Dom is a sheep villager that debuted in the recent release of New Horizons and it's not hard to see why many fans consider him to be the absolute cutest. His permanent puppy-dog eyes just tug on the heart-strings of any who look at him.

Although he doesn't look like it, Dom is actually a jock personality villager and as such, players will often see him working out, as well as him regularly wishing to speak to the player about exercise. His adorable house is made to look as if it is a perfectly kept back yard.

1 Molly the Duck

Few creatures are more adorable than a little duckling, and the moment you meet Molly, you want to protect her. She is also a very new character, only first appearing in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Her name is likely derived from mallard since that is the type of duck she is.

Molly has the nature hobby, which means she'll often chat with players about the weather and plants. This interest of hers is also obvious from her house, which not only has a natural vibe but also has potted plants.

Next: 10 Weirdest Villager Houses in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The 15 Cutest Villagers From Animal Crossing, Ranked | Game Rant The 15 Cutest Villagers From Animal Crossing, Ranked | Game Rant Reviewed by Unknown on July 18, 2020 Rating: 5

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