Top 10 Most Intense Moments In Resident Evil 7 | Game Rant
After the announcement revealing that Resident Evil 8 would be releasing soon, fans have been excited to see what happens to several of the characters that they came to know during Resident Evil 7. To get ready for the next game's release, here's a recap of some of the most intense moments in Resident Evil 7.
For this list, only moments from the base game will be considered. There are plenty of DLC moments that might've given fans the chills, but this list will only consider the moments that anyone can see without buying the DLC. Also, this list will contain spoilers for the ending of the game.
10 Clancy Finding Andre
When players get to walk around as Clancy, the cameraman for the show Sewer Gators made by Peter and Andre, an eerie feeling is already in the air. Things only get more uneasy for everyone when Andre disappears while he, Peter, and Clancy are investigating the guest house.
With no idea about what this house holds, Peter and Clancy go looking for Andre until they find a way down into a basement area that he might've gone in. Clancy goes in first and sees Andre standing with his back to Clancy. When Clancy turns him around, players are met with the chilling sight of Andre's dead body right before Clancy is attacked and the tape cuts out.
9 Ethan's Hand Getting Cut Off
All Ethan wants to do is find his missing wife, Mia. The last thing he expected was to find Mia and see that she appears to be possessed by something that makes her extremely violent. After a fight with Mia, she comes back, stabs a screwdriver through Ethan's hand, and then cuts his hand off with a chainsaw.
This scene probably made a lot of fans panic about doing something wrong, and they might expect a "You Are Dead" screen. However, the scene continues, showing that players didn't make a mistake, which makes the scene even more chilling. This scene might leave players questioning what else Ethan might have to go through to get out of this house alive.
8 The Garage Fight
When Ethan goes to meet a deputy in the garage of the Baker family's house, things seem hopeful. Maybe the deputy will be able to give Ethan a way to escape. Unfortunately, this idea of escape is squashed quickly, as Jack kills the deputy and starts to attack Ethan.
Not only is it jarring to see Jack kill the deputy, but the fight after that is extremely intense since players don't have much room to get away from Jack in the garage. The only way out it seems is to run him over with a car, but even that doesn't work. Jack jumps in and tries to kill Ethan by smashing the car, but while Ethan survives, so does Jack, making it obvious that he has incredible healing abilities.
7 Marguerite Chasing Mia
Given how easy it is to die during Mia's tape, the stakes feel pretty high while Mia has to run and hide from Marguerite around the house. The only indication about when Marguerite is close is whether the player can see her lantern light or hear her yelling at Mia. If Marguerite hasn't said anything in a while, these screams can make players jump if she eventually yells and is closer than they expected.
Mia doesn't have to fight the bugs that Marguerite controls, but that doesn't make the old lady any less scary. Even though Mia does eventually get caught, the fear of being found might be enough to make players sweat a bit.
6 Marguerite Grabbing Ethan
Players might already be getting an uneasy feeling right before Marguerite's boss fight. After all, long periods of quiet in this game usually don't lead to anything good. Players might even lower their guards while they walk around collecting ammo and other useful items before they have to go upstairs.
When players eventually do venture up the stairs, it's so common that they might not feel the need to be on guard. That soon becomes a mistake when a newly mutated Marguerite crashes through the window and grabs Ethan. There's no time to be shocked though because Ethan has to attack her before she can kill him with her super long arms.
5 Clancy's Birthday
When watching the tape of Clancy going through Lucas's challenge to light his "birthday candles," the whole atmosphere is unsettling, from the candle lighting the dark areas and the feeling that players are being watched. After searching the room a bit, Clancy has to activate a creepy clown robot, who proceeds to carve the word "LOSER" into Clancy's arm with a sharp quill pen. It's enough to make the player feel like it's happening to their own arm.
Eventually, Clancy lights the birthday candles, and then a fire breaks out in the room. Unfortunately, escape doesn't seem possible, and players must watch as Clancy dies in the room before Lucas shows up to admire his work. The screaming and feeling of doom are certainly nightmare fuel.
4 Defeating Jack Finally
After players have fought Jack several times, one would hope that he would die eventually. Still, he comes back right when Ethan is about to escape with Zoe and Mia. Plus, now he's a massive, mutated monster. The fight itself is gross and creepy, as Ethan has to shoot at least a dozen of the eyes around Jack's body while Jack taunts the player.
The fight seems to be over, but players might feel a jolt of surprise when Jack gets up again and Ethan has to use one of the serums that Zoe made to finally kill him. Not only is there more pressure now since only one serum is left, but the image of Jack reaching for Ethan right before he dies eerily feels like the fight isn't over.
3 Zoe Dying
If players choose to save Zoe over Mia, Zoe still doesn't survive very long. Ethan travels with her to the ship that Mia and Eveline showed up on, and Eveline isn't happy about it. Ethan barely even gets to talk to Zoe before she starts calling out to Eveline to ask for mercy. Eveline doesn't care though, and Ethan quickly watches her kill Zoe before his eyes before he's thrown off the boat.
Not only is it sad to see that Zoe couldn't have been saved in this ending, but choosing to cure her also leads to an ending where players have to kill Mia too. It's a heavy ending that might make fans wonder if they made the right decision.
2 Giving Eveline The Serum
This scene builds up to Ethan finding Eveline while she frantically tries to push him away from her before he can use the serum on her. It's kind of disturbing to hear and see a little girl beg the player to stop and to get away from her.
It's not easy to forget all the people that she's killed though, so giving her the serum can give players a sense of relief that they've finally saved the day. Depending on whether fans were able to connect the dots about Eveline's rapid aging or not, it might also come as a shock when it's revealed that she was the old lady in the wheelchair living with the Baker family.
1 Defeating Eveline
The outlook of this fight doesn't seem good when Eveline becomes a giant monster and spreads throughout the room. She starts getting closer and closer and eventually throws Ethan out of the house onto the lawn. Any gun that Ethan uses doesn't seem to do a whole lot of damage to Eveline either. With other instances of characters dying, it's not out of the question that Ethan might be killed by Eveline too.
Luckily, there's a strong feeling of relief when a helicopter shows up, gives Ethan a gun that will hurt Eveline, and leads to Eveline dying and crumbling on the ground. Finally, the fight is over, and depending on what ending the player gets, Ethan gets to go home, hopefully with Mia.
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