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Marvel's Avengers Trailer Details PlayStation Exclusive Content

By now it’s obvious that PlayStation is the platform of choice for Marvel’s Avengers, to the frustration of many fans. Love it or hate it, the game’s getting exclusive content on Sony’s consoles throughout the coming year, some of it pretty major, and now that the beta for Marvel’s Avengers has gone live early on PS4, Sony has taken the opportunity to highlight some of that content.

A new trailer was released for the game today, sporting the title “PlayStation Advantage” as yet another reminder of where Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are placing their focus with their upcoming superhero game. Given the growing backlash to this and the increasingly controversial practice of video game exclusivity deals in the past week, it’ll be interesting to see how fans react to this.

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The biggest thing the trailer hypes is the Spider-Man DLC coming to the PS4 and PS5 versions of Marvel’s Avengers in 2021, naturally, but during the montage of combat footage that makes up the majority of the trailer, Square Enix reconfirmed that the PlayStation versions of the game will be receiving a series of monthly community challenges. Unlike the Spider-Man DLC, though, these are only timed exclusives and will be available on PC and Xbox starting in September 2021.

Rounding off the trailer’s content are Legendary Outfits, the highest tier for Marvel’s Avengers’ cosmetic items. PlayStation users will be able to purchase these items in the in-game store a full 30 days before PC and Xbox users (once they become available, that is). Specifically, the trailer highlights different outfits for Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Ms. Marvel, and Hulk inspired by their comic book appearances, their looks in the Marvel Cinematic universe’s films, and more.

No doubt, this will be great news for PlayStation fans, but for those who aren’t, this likely won’t make all of the recent news hurt any less. It’d be one thing if Square Enix threw a bone or two their way, but at the moment there doesn’t seem to be plans for any exclusive content for non-PlayStation platforms, and Crystal Dynamics has already confirmed that Marvel’s Avengers won’t have exclusive characters on PC or Xbox.

Sure, they’ll have access to plenty of substantial content over the course of the game’s lifespan, much of which will be free, but it’ll still be a bummer knowing that they’ll be missing out on stuff like community challenges for a full year. It’s also making for a lot of less-than-ideal press for Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics, which, given the mixed reactions to Marvel’s Avengers’ beta so far, is something they really should be trying to avoid.

Marvel’s Avengers will launch on September 4 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X versions to follow.

MORE: Hilarious Meme Perfectly Captures Fan Frustration With Avengers' Spider-Man Exclusivity

Marvel's Avengers Trailer Details PlayStation Exclusive Content Marvel's Avengers Trailer Details PlayStation Exclusive Content Reviewed by Unknown on August 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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