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Ghost Of Tsushima's Jin Versus Sekiro's Wolf - Who Wins?

When people think of modern games in Medieval Japan, gamers might remember FromSoftware's Sekiro, Team Ninja's Nioh, or more recently, Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima. Interestingly, all three games share a flair for technique, timing, and skill. Moreover, the recent release of Ghost of Tsushima had gamers compare it to Sekiro given their similar setting, unique narratives, and interesting characters.

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In fact, both Tsushima and Sekiro's protagonists Jin Sakai and Wolf possess great swordsmanship with prowess in stealth. As such, it's no question how fans may want to pit the two against one another. Would Jin's training as a samurai and indoctrination into being a Ghost be enough to face a veteran like Wolf? Moreover, would Wolf's specialized gadgets and training within the shadows manage to silence Jin?

10 Background: The Ghost

As part of the samurai nobility, Kazumasa Sakai trained his son Jin to become a samurai in an extremely disciplined environment. When his father passed away, Jin's uncle Lord Shimura took the young Jin as his ward and continued his training. As the jito or the shogun's steward of Tsushima, Jin saw Lord Shimura rule the land. Unfortunately, their defeat at the hands of Khotun Khan and the Mongol invasion forced Jin to train in the ways of stealth and subterfuge.

As such, in the game's events, Jin eventually learns the ways of stealth to manipulate the shadows to his advantage. He eventually becomes the eponymous Ghost of Tsushima, using everything within his means to retake Tsushima from the invading Mongols.

9 Background: The Wolf

FromSoftware doesn't reveal much about Sekiro, except perhaps a few things. Once a child in the middle of a battlefield, the shinobi Owl takes Sekiro under his wing and trains him to become a shinobi like himself. Sekiro, now bearing the nickname Wolf, has been tasked to protect Kuro, the Divine Heir. Unfortunately, the game's events lead to Kuro being kidnapped and Sekiro losing his left arm.

However, thanks to the Shinobi Prosthetic, Wolf — now the One-Armed Wolf — set himself to find Kuro and protect him from Genichiro Ashina, who plans to use the young heir's bloodline to achieve immortality.

8 Weapons Of Choice: Sakai Steel

As a samurai, Jin received extensive training in swordsmanship. As such, Jin primarily uses on the Sakai Steel, a pair of blades that he uses for combat. He primarily uses the Sakai Katana for direct confrontations, pairing them with various Stances that have their special maneuvers. The Sakai Tanto, a dagger, helps Jin assassinate opponents from the shadows thanks to its size and weight.

However, Jin proves capable of using bows for long-ranged combat as well. Moreover, thanks to his versatility and training, Jin can quickly switch from using the Sakai Steel to the bow. As such, he can quickly reposition himself and change his combat tactics in an instant.

7 Weapons Of Choice: Kusabimaru, Fushigiri

As a shinobi, the Owl trained Sekiro to become a master of the shadows. As such, Wolf primarily relies on stealth and subterfuge to gain the upper hand in combat. While capable of using various weapons courtesy of his training, Wolf relies on his katana Kusabimaru for battle. Thanks to Kusabimaru, Wolf has the capability of being directly confrontational in battle. His Combat Arts allows him to use Kusabimaru to deliver brutal, quick, and efficient slashes that focus on trying to break his opponent's defenses.

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Meanwhile, he gains a special odachi called Fushigir, the Mortal Blade, which specializes in delivering lethal blows to mystical enemies. Thanks to these weapons, Sekiro can easily go toe-to-toe against both ordinary and magical enemies alike.

6 Arsenal: Ghost Weapons

Jin's indoctrination to the arts of stealth gave him training in using a wide variety of Ghost Weapons. These weapons and tools aid him in his stealthy incursions, often serving as distractions and a means of bypassing heavily-guarded areas. As such, Jin can use the Kunai to make extremely long-ranged attacks.

However, Jin also possesses a variety of other tools that can distract or grab the opponent's attention. For instance, Jin has various bombs that can damage opponents or conceal him — both inside and outside of battle. He also has firecrackers and wind chimes that distracts opponents. When used with his Ghost techniques, Jin easily becomes a formidable opponent in the shadows.

5 Arsenal: Prosthetic Arm

Wolf obtains the Shinobi Prosthetic when he loses his left arm. However, this Prosthetic Arm comes with a wide variety of shinobi tools he can use to turn the tide of battle. Moreover, thanks to this renewed arsenal, Sekiro will learn how to combine the release of these weapons with his own swordsmanship. This new combat style, called Prosthetic Arts, added towards Sekiro's mobility and lethality in battle.

Moreover, the Prosthetic Arm can wield a variety of weapons as well. Aside from the staple shinobi shuriken, Sekiro can equip a flamethrower, firecrackers and mist, loaded axes and spears, loaded umbrellas and fans, a whistle, or even an extra blade.

4 Skillsets: Stances, Ghost

Jin's training as a samurai enable him to go toe-to-toe with various kinds of enemies just by switching his Stance. As shown in Ghost of Tsushima, Jin can easily counter enemy moves by adjusting his style. Aside from deft dodges and parries, Jin can make precise and intricate slashes designed to break the opponent's balance and land killing blows.

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Moreover, Jin can slowly hone his stealth through the Legend of the Ghost. These techniques allow him to use underhanded techniques the samurai would often frown upon. However, these techniques greatly help Jin in stealthy incursions. As such, the Legend of the Ghost enhances the way he uses his tools, as well as modifying his combat style to incorporate faster movements.

3 Skillsets: Arts, Ninjutsu

Thanks to his training, Wolf can apply a variety of fighting styles and skills to his arsenal of weapons and tools. Aside from his offensive Combat Arts, Sekiro can easily become more stealthy with Shinobi Arts and Ninjutsu Techniques. Thanks to these skills, he can blend in with the shadows, move much faster, and deliver unnoticeable killing blows.

Meanwhile, Wolf can diversify his confrontational prowess with other special arts. For instance, Temple Arts enables Sekiro to add hand-to-hand combat to his repertoire. Moreover, Ashina Arts further improves his swordplay, while Mushin Arts improves his special attacks.

2 The Battle: Discipline Versus Wit

A battle between Jin Sakai and Sekiro would eventually fall on a battle of discipline versus wit. Moreover, their knowledge in both sword-fighting and stealth meant victory lies in how they use their environment and instincts to their advantage.

The battle begins as soon as both combatants enter their battleground. It's very likely for them to rely on stealth first to get a feel of the environment, a field both of them equally specialize in. As they may not be aware of each other's personalities, Jin's discipline and honor may prevail and challenge Sekiro face-to-face.

1 The Victor: The Wolf Slashes The Ghost?

It's when their blades cross that the true battle begins. Thanks to Sekiro's mobility, he can easily deliver sword attacks to Jin's direction. Moreover, his Temple Arts will enable him to strike Jin with his hands and feet. However, Jin's training in various Stances will allow him to easily parry and dodge Sekiro's attacks.

However, it's when Wolf starts using his Prosthetic Arm that will turn the tide of battle. Jin might excel in adjusting to combat situations. Unfortunately, he may not have the time to learn all of the Prosthetic Arm's weapons. Moreover, Sekiro's evolving style when using his arm in tandem with his Combat Arts might force Jin to leave an opening — more than enough for Sekiro's brutal killing blows. Interestingly, Sekiro would have to defeat Jin fast or the Ghost may have enough time to learn through Wolf's maneuvers. The simple nature of the Ghost's combat tools will enable Jin to escape Sekiro quickly and deliver off-handed attacks. As such, if Jin manages to zoom in and break Sekiro's guard, he'll be open for an assassination.

NEXT: 5 Ways Ghost Of Tsushima Is The Best Souls-Like Game (& 5 Why It's Still Sekiro)

Ghost Of Tsushima's Jin Versus Sekiro's Wolf - Who Wins? Ghost Of Tsushima's Jin Versus Sekiro's Wolf - Who Wins? Reviewed by Unknown on September 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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