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Pokemon Still Missing After Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra DLC

Throughout the lifespan of the Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield expansion pass, Game Freak has been slowly adding back Pokemon that were absent from the base game experience - remedying one of the biggest complaints fans had with Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield at launch. Now with the release of The Crown Tundra, the Expansion Pass has come to an end, but there are still 231 missing Pokemon from previous generations, which we will list below.

This list is based on which Pokemon cannot be transferred to Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield from Pokemon Home. Some Pokemon, like Victini, can be transferred in but cannot be caught in-game (yet), so they will not be a part of this list.

RELATED: How to Get Cosmog in Pokemon Sword and Shield

The OG generation of Pokemon is missing a grand total of 34 of their original roster of 151. Some absences are surprising considering the other Pokemon currently in the game. Geodude and its evolutionary line are missing, despite it being seen as part of a trio with the Gastly line and the Abra line (both now in the game) due to their trade-evolution requirements. The snowy landscape of the Crown Tundra would have been perfect for Seel and Dewgong, but these Pokemon are also missing from the Galar Region.

The Legendary Bird Trio from Kanto also makes a triumphant return in this DLC, both in their natural form as well as new Galarian forms of all three birds. While it is great that these iconic birds made a comeback, several other iconic Pokemon from Gen 1 are still painfully absent from the games. Here are all the missing Pokemon from the Kanto region:

  • Weedle
  • Kakuna
  • Beedrill
  • Pidgey
  • Pidgeotto
  • Pidgeot
  • Rattata
  • Raticate
  • Spearow
  • Fearow
  • Ekans
  • Arbok
  • Paras
  • Parasect
  • Venonat
  • Venomoth
  • Mankey
  • Primeape
  • Bellsprout
  • Weepinbell
  • Victreebell
  • Geodude
  • Gravler
  • Golem
  • Doduo
  • Dodrio
  • Seel
  • Dewgong
  • Grimer
  • Muk
  • Drowzee
  • Hypno
  • Voltorb
  • Electrode


Pokemon Sword and Shield are still missing a fair number of the Pokemon introduced in Generation 2, clocking in with 44 Pokemon still absent from the Galar region. Many iconic Pokemon from that Generation came back, but some are missing.

While Slowking was introduced in Generation 2, Slowking was added back into Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield in Isle of Armor. However, The Crown Tundra DLC introduces Galarian Slowking which is a strange and interesting new take on the classic Pokemon. This DLC also reintroduces the iconic duo of Lugia and Ho-Oh through the Dynamax Adventure game mode, so players can get their hands on the majestic Legendary Birds of the Johto region. Overall, Johto is still on the higher end of missing Pokemon compared to other generations, though still not quite as bad as Hoenn still is. The Generation 2 Pokemon still missing are:

  • Chikorita
  • Bayleef
  • Meganium
  • Cyndaquil
  • Quilava
  • Typhlosion
  • Totodile
  • Crocanaw
  • Feraligatr
  • Sentret
  • Furret
  • Ledyba
  • Ledian
  • Spinarak
  • Ariados
  • Mareep
  • Flaafy
  • Ampharos
  • Hoppip
  • Skiploom
  • Jumpluff
  • Aipom
  • Sunkern
  • Sunflora
  • Yanma
  • Murkrow
  • Medestrevus
  • Unknown
  • Girafarig
  • Pineco
  • Forretress
  • Gligar
  • Snubbull
  • Granbull
  • Teddiursa
  • Ursaring
  • Slugma
  • Magcargo
  • Houndour
  • Houndoom
  • Phanpy
  • Donphan
  • Stantler
  • Smeargel

Generation 3 got quite a lot of love with the Crown Tundra DLC, bringing back several big-name Pokemon from that generation. Following the release of Isle of Armor, 86 Pokemon from Gen 3 were missing from Pokemon Sword and ShieldThis time around, there are 47 Gen 3 Pokemon still missing. It is worth noting that Generation 3 still has the most missing Pokemon out of any Generation, but that is in part due to how many new Pokemon the franchsie added that Generation.

Hoenn is a fan-favorite region for many reasons, and the large number of new Pokemon is one of them. It's a shame Slaking is still absent from the game because Slaking would pair really nicely with Galarian Weezing. Here are all of the Gen 3 Pokemon still missing from Pokemon Sword and Shield:

  • Poochyena
  • Mightyena
  • Wurmple
  • Silcoon
  • Beautifly
  • Cascoon
  • Dustox
  • Taillow
  • Swellow
  • Surskit
  • Masquerain
  • Shroomish
  • Breloom
  • Slakoth
  • Vigoroth
  • Slaking
  • Nosepass
  • Skitty
  • Delcatty
  • Meditite
  • Medicham
  • Plusle
  • Minun
  • Volbeat
  • Illumise
  • Gulpin
  • Swalot
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Spoink
  • Grumpig
  • Spinda
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Zangoose
  • Seviper
  • Castform
  • Kecleon
  • Shuppet
  • Banette
  • Tropius
  • Chimecho
  • Clamperl
  • Huntail
  • Gorebyss
  • Luvdisc
  • Deoxys

Long-time Pokemon fans have been clamoring for a Pokemon Diamond and Pearl remake for some time now, and if these remakes were made and had Pokemon Sword and Shield integration, then it would be the perfect way to reintroduce the many Pokemon still missing from Generation 4 to Sword and Shield.

Gen 4 has 43 Pokemon still missing from the roster, including some Legendary Pokemon that are surprisingly not included as part of the Dynamax Adventure. Arceus, Darkrai, and Manaphy are sadly absent from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Perhaps if the remakes do finally get made, then these Pokemon might be allowed back in the Galar region. Here are all the ones missing from Gen 4:

  • Turtwig
  • Grotle
  • Torterra
  • Chimchar
  • Monferno
  • Infernape
  • Piplup
  • Prinplup
  • Empoleon
  • Starly
  • Staravia
  • Staraptor
  • Bidoof
  • Bibarel
  • Kricketot
  • Kricketune
  • Crainiados
  • Rampardos
  • Shieldon
  • Bastiodon
  • Burmy
  • Wormadam
  • Mothim
  • Pachirisu
  • Buizle
  • Floatzel
  • Ambipom
  • Mismagius
  • Honchkrow
  • Glameow
  • Purrugly
  • Chingling
  • Chatot
  • Finneon
  • Lumineon
  • Yanmega
  • Gliscor
  • Probopass
  • Phione
  • Manaphy
  • Darkrai
  • Shaymin
  • Arceus

Unova is in the middle-of-the-road when it comes to missing Pokemon, clocking in with 31 missing in total. Some iconic Gen 5 Pokemon came back with the Crown Tundra, like Carbink and Cryogonal (who is very helpful when catching Regice), as well as the Swords of Justice. Unova was a hit-or-miss generation for some players. It's certain the most different tonally, and many fans appreciate that. Here is the list of the Gen 5 Pokemon missing from the games:

  • Snivy
  • Servine
  • Serperior
  • Tepig
  • Pignite
  • Emboar
  • Oshawott
  • Dewott
  • Samurott
  • Patrat
  • Watchog
  • Pansage
  • Simisage
  • Pansear
  • Simisear
  • Panpour
  • Simipour
  • Blitzle
  • Zebstrika
  • Sewaddle
  • Swadloon
  • Leavanny
  • Ducklett
  • Swana
  • Deerling
  • Sawsbuck
  • Alomomola
  • Tynamo
  • Eelektrik
  • Eelektross
  • Meloetta

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y have recently come into the spotlight thanks to the growing rumors that Pokemon Sword and Shield will get a Kalos DLC following the release of The Crown Tundra. While these rumors are currently just speculation at best, it's certainly gained a following among fans of the series. It also may mean the reintroduction of Mega Evolution, which was painfully absent from Sword and Shield. If this DLC were to come to fruition, it would make sense that these 21 missing Kalos Pokemon would finally make their return:

  • Chespin
  • Quilladin
  • Chesnaught
  • Fennekin
  • Braixen
  • Delphox
  • Froakey
  • Frogadier
  • Greninja
  • Scatterbug
  • Spewpa
  • Vivillon
  • Litleo
  • Pyroar
  • Flabebe
  • Floette
  • Florges
  • Skidoo
  • Gogoat
  • Furfrou
  • Hoopa

Alola wasn't missing too many Pokemon to begin with prior to the release of The Crown Tundra, but now with the return of the many Ultra Beast Pokemon, that number is even smaller. Gen 7 is missing the least amount of Pokemon, sitting at a measly 11 missing from Sword and Shield. Additionally, all the Tapus made a return, as well as Zecrozma, Solgaleo and Lunala (and of course Cosmog). Unfortunately the magnificant Toucannon is still absent, as well as the flashy Oricorio, but it's a pretty short list for Gen 7's missing Pokemon:

  • Pikipek
  • Trumbeak
  • Toucannon
  • Yungoos
  • Gumshoos
  • Crabrawler
  • Crabominable
  • Oricorio
  • Minior
  • Komala
  • Bruxish

And those are all 231 Pokemon still missing from the Pokemon Sword and Shield roster. If Game Freak decides to make more DLCs for Sword and Shield instead of moving on to the next title, then there is a good chance that more of these Pokemon will make a return. However, fans will unfortunately just have to wait to see what Game Freak has in store for the series going forward.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Will Mega Evolution Return in Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Still Missing After Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra DLC Pokemon Still Missing After Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra DLC Reviewed by Unknown on October 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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