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The Witcher: 10 Most Expensive Things You Can Buy From Merchants (& How Much They Cost)

The popularity of The Witcher franchise has increased dramatically over recent years thanks in large to the fantastic Witcher 3 and the equally amazing Netflix series. These both serve as wonderful jumping off points for the series, but many will eventually find themselves backtracking to the place where it all began.

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The Witcher is starting to show its age a little, which is perhaps to be expected from a game that is now more than 13 years old. What it lacks in graphical fidelity though, it more than makes up for with its solid gameplay. It's a title that rewards exploration and curiosity, but also one whose depth can sometimes require a little supplementary reading.

One of the areas which can be particularly overwhelming is the game's economy. Like future entries in the series, there are plenty of things for players to spend their money on. It's generally best not to spend money where possible though as most purchasable items can be obtained elsewhere for free. For those with Orens to burn however, these are the items with the highest prices in the game.

10 Plants of Barren Lands (600 Orens)

Plants of Barren Lands is an herbalist's dream. It's a book that's full of information about the plants found growing in barren lands and is essential reading for anybody wishing to harvest ingredients from them. It grants journal entries for five different plants, all of which can be sold for three of four Orens.

The book can be purchased either from the Bookseller in Tanner's Square, the Zerrikanian Trader in the Trade Quarter or the Hermit in the Fields for a total of 600 Orens. For those who can wait though, the blacksmith's wife will reward Geralt with the book for completing Temptation - one of the series' many optional quests.

9 The Wonderful World Of Insectoids (600 Orens)

The Wonderful World of Insectoids is a bestiary with information about a variety of insect-like creatures. Purchasing the book will grant the player journal entries for several of the game's iconic monsters as well as a number of ingredients.

As with many of the game's other books, the best place to pick it up is either from the hermit in the fields or the bookseller in Tanner's Square. It will set players back a total of 600 Orens, but this is a small price to pay for the knowledge that the book contains.

8 Vampires: Facts and Myths (600 Orens)

Vampires: Facts and Myths contains information about the four myths surrounding vampires. By purchasing it, players will gain journal entries for four of the game's vampire species and the alchemy ingredients that can be harvested from their corpses.

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It can be obtained as a reward for completing the Hunting the Wild quest, although players would be better choosing the Wreath of immortelles as their reward instead as it will come in handy later on. With that in mind, purchasing the book from either the bookseller or the hermit will likely be the only viable choice for those wishing to obtain it.

7 The Great Book Of Minerals (600 Orens)

The Great Book Of Minerals is a book with information about the game's many minerals. In total, the book provides 14 journal entries including Sulphur, Pyrite and Phosphorus. As it contains all of the ingredients found in A Small Book of Minerals, it makes more sense to just buy this one rather than wasting money on both books.

It's one of the more common books in the game and can be found in a variety of places. As well as the usual suspects, it can also be purchased from the Elder Druid in the swamp cemetery or the Alchemist in the Trade Quarter.

6 The Last Wish (800 Orens)

The Last Wish is the most expensive purchasable book in the game. It contains information about Ifrits, which, in the world of The Witcher, are a type of Fire Genie. Tracking them down will be essential if the player wishes to find the Pyrite or Ectoplasm alchemy ingredients. Given their high sell prices, many players will choose to do so.

Players can obtain the book from several places. Most notably, there's a copy in the trunk in Striga's Sarcophagus which is the only way of getting it for free. For those who miss it though, the Bookseller in Tanner's Square and the Hermit in the Fields will sell copies for 800 Orens.

5 Yellow Meteorite Ore (800 Orens)

The Yellow Meteorite Ore is a component in blade enhancement. It can be purchased from either the Scoia'tael Quartermaster or the Order Quartermaster found in Old Vizima providing Geralt is on good terms with their factions. Although it's possible to loot the item earlier, players will have to wait until chapter five before being able to purchase one.

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When used in crafting, Yellow Meteorite Ore will create a meteorite sword that can stun enemies. There are no other swords in the game that provide this effect, making it somewhat unique. It is the most expensive of the three available types of Meteorite Ore and is almost certainly the most useful. Paying for one is a waste of money though and so players should avoid doing so if possible.

4 Moon Rune (800 Orens)

The Moon Rune is a permanent Rune that blacksmiths can brand onto Geralt's silver swords. This will create a Rune Sword, which can greatly increase an enemies sensitivity to silver. Each will provide an additional 15% sensitivity for a maximum of 45%. This can be incredibly useful, even if it is a little situational. Although there are plenty of enemies in the game that have an innate sensitivity to silver, the majority do not.

Players can purchase a Moon Rune from one of the game's fences after they reaches chapter 5. Those wanting to max out their weapon's silver sensitivity though will need to loot or find some of the other Moon Runes found elsewhere in the game. There are plenty out there, so there's really no need to pay for one at all.

3 Ceremonial Sword Of Deithwen (1,500 Orens)

The Ceremonial sword of Deithwen is an incredibly common sword that players can find in a variety of places. Although they can purchase it from several shops for 1,500 Orens, players would be better looting it from elves instead. Like other steel swords in the game, it's most effective against humans.

It provides a 30% damage boost and also has the disarm and precise hit critical effects. It's a decent weapon early on, but will soon be usurped by one of the weapons given as quest rewards. With that in mind, its 300 Oren sell price is probably more relevant.

2 Gwalhir (3,000 Orens)

The Gwalhir is the most expensive sword in the game and works best against humans rather than beasts. Those wishing to maximize its usefulness will need to enhance it using either Runes or Meteorite Ores. Based on its base stats alone though, it is arguably the most powerful steel sword in the game.

The sword can be purchased in Murky Waters after the player reaches Chapter 4. Rather than visiting the blacksmith though, they'll need to seek out his son instead. Players can find him near his father's shop selling a variety of weapons and armor. Given its 3,000 Oren price-tag though, it's probably best to wait a little longer for the G'valchir instead.

1 Excellent Leather Jacket (5,000 Orens)

Visually, there are very few noticeable differences between the Excellent Leather Jacket and the Studded Leather Jacket. Looks can be deceiving though. It's significantly more protective, providing 10% more damage resistance and a number of useful perks. It's not amazing, but there really aren't many alternatives in the first game.

Players can purchase it from pretty much any armorer or weapons dealer during the game's second and third chapters. Strangely though, the blacksmith's son will not sell the armor to Geralt in Chapter 4. Given the scarcity of armor, this is one of the few items that might be worth spending Orens on. It's worth noting though that the Raven's armor eventually outclasses it.

NEXT: The Witcher 3: 10 Weapons, Gear, And Skills That Make The Game Way Too Easy

The Witcher: 10 Most Expensive Things You Can Buy From Merchants (& How Much They Cost) The Witcher: 10 Most Expensive Things You Can Buy From Merchants (& How Much They Cost) Reviewed by Unknown on November 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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