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Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] Keyblade War Explained: Nightmare Chirithy, Foreteller Fights

The war is inevitable now. According to Gula and his interpretation of the Book of Prophecies' Lost Page, the world's future was sealed the moment the clock tower's bell began to toll. The protagonist and Skuld still haven't found Ava yet, and it doesn't seem like they will. With no other options available, the protagonist is now forced to make their choice: join the Dandelions, or participate in the war. Spoilers ahead.

This is the third and final part of Kingdom Hearts Union Cross' Keyblade War retelling. Kingdom Hearts Union Cross keeps this event separate from the main storyline for the meta reason that everything that happens within it is wiped from the memories of everyone save a few select individuals. This writing serves to interpret and breakdown the events that take place. The "Worse Nightmare" portion of the retelling technically happens during part 2 of the war but was included here for clarity.

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The protagonist promises Skuld before she leaves that they'll think about not participating in the Keyblade War. They couldn't bring themselves to go with her and join the Dandelions, but by not fighting, they have a chance of seeing her and Ephemer again in the world after. In their pondering, they manage to find one concern that could hold them back: what happens to Chirithy if they're destroyed?

Chirithy confirms that it would disappear right alongside the protagonist, but that's not why it doesn't want them to fight. It's given thought to them calling it their friend, and while it doesn't think that's what the Foretellers intended, that's what they are, so it doesn't want the protagonist to disappear. This actually seems to change the protagonist's mind as they thank Chirithy for its empathy, but then Nightmare Chirithy intervenes.

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From afar, Nightmare taunts the protagonist for thinking about running away with the rest of the Dandelions. When the protagonist and Chirithy find it on the bridge leading to the clock tower, it mocks the Dandelions' mission, claiming they're just using it as an excuse to save themselves and leave their friends behind to die. This insult incites the protagonist to ask who Nightmare's wielder is.

To help the protagonist better understand the answer to that question, Nightmare reveals to them that they're darkness users just like it is. They've been gathering and using the power through the Power Bangle ever since they put it on. And Nightmare Chirithy, as per the Master of Master's design, has been gorging itself on the darkness they give off, something it can do because the protagonist is its wielder.

It has no reason to lie about any of this either, which is its response to Chirithy when it tries to deny all of Nightmare's claims. It admits that it understands the duo's doubt, though, as it's never acted like a Spirit Chirithy. It doesn't stick by the protagonist's side and can act of its own volition. It demonstrates the latter claim by once again summoning Darkling Heartless, this time to destroy the protagonist. At first, Nightmare was just going to let the Keyblade War get rid of the protagonist, but since they're no longer participating, it'll take care of them itself.

Chirithy can't understand why Nightmare wants to attack the protagonist if it belongs to them, but that's because it doesn't understand the concept of and difference between Nightmare and Spirit Dream Eaters. While Spirits exist to get rid of bad dreams, Nightmares exist to plant them. Chirithy are exceptional at both roles because they're the only known Dream Eaters with both sentience and the ability to use their powers outside of the realm of sleep, which is what the Master of Masters intended when it synthesized them.

All of that said, Chirithy still have a limitation: being tied to a Keyblade wielder. However, this bond works differently depending on what type of Dream Eater the Chirithy is. If it's a Spirit, then it dies when the wielder does. On the other hand, a Nightmare will live on, obtaining complete free-will to go along with its intelligence and powers.

Unfortunately for Nightmare, things don't go in that direction. Once the protagonist defeats the Darklings, Nightmare takes the fight into its own hands, dragging the Heartless into its body and using its absorbed power to transform into a new monstrosity. However, the protagonist defeats Nightmare, too, reducing it to its original state. Before disappearing, Nightmare comments that the protagonist severed their bond and that it will return one day in another dream.

The protagonist has made their choice. A few days after their battle with Nightmare Chirithy, they find themselves in the Badlands with their respective Union, which is waiting to work with the other four on turning the area into the Keyblade Graveyard. The protagonist doesn't have any plans to strike down their fellow wielders, though. They're just here looking for Ava. They've learned she's fighting in the war, and they're confused as to why.

Once the battle begins, the protagonist sets off on their search, but just because they didn't plan on fighting doesn't mean they can avoid it, nor does it mean they're spared the sights and sounds of everyone else killing each other all around them. They hold back their distress for the sake of accomplishing their goal, but the first Foreteller they run into isn't Ava. It's Aced, and he remembers that he deemed the protagonist unworthy of the Keyblade.

Just like in the original Kingdom Hearts X, the player doesn't fight the Foreteller of the Union they belong to. However, all five Foreteller battles could be considered canon, and, if so, they all happen in a specific order. The first battle happens with Master Aced, who changes his mind about the protagonist being unworthy upon seeing their strength, and who is thwarted from killing them by Master Ira. The next three Foretellers the protagonist's face are Invi, Gula, and Ira, who also each gain respect for the protagonist after dueling them.

Invi actually lets the protagonist go after seeing their abilities and even roots for their survival. Gula lets them go as well, but in his case, he couldn't bring himself to go all out against them because they're acquaintances. As for Ira, he actually moves to strike the protagonist down, regretting the fact that he's wasting their potential. However, before he can kill them, Aced does to him what he did to Aced before: intervening and pulling him away to battle elsewhere.

Every one of these fights takes more and more stamina away from the protagonist. After Aced, they're winded. After Invi, they're wounded. After Gula, they can barely stand, and after Ira, they can't stand at all. However, seeing Keyblades become tombstones and displaced hearts vanish into nothing causes the protagonist to push beyond their limits until, finally, they come face-to-face with Master Ava.

Master Ava is still angry over Luxu telling her she's the traitor. She dismisses the protagonist when they try to ask their questions. Instead, she gives them one chance to prepare themselves before defeating them. Before they pass out, she tells them her reasons aren't for them to know and then implores them one last time to join the Dandelions and leave this world behind.

By the time the protagonist wakes up, the war is over, and the Badlands have become the Keyblade Graveyard. Everyone else is either dead or missing. Chirithy comforts the protagonist in what seems to be their own final moments before the area is bathed in light, and Skuld finds them lying in the middle of the crossroads. Not just Skuld either, but Ephemer too, who apologizes for lying to them. In a fit of emotion, the protagonist takes Ephemer's hand, and then Ephemer and Skuld lead them to the world after.

Chirithy is conflicted. As it watches the protagonist run through Daybreak Town with their "longtime" party, it can't help but wonder if it was ethical to wipe the memories of the Keyblade War from survivors and Dandelions alike. The Dream Eater believes all memories, even the painful ones, should be felt by those who experienced them. It admits that it probably only thinks that, though, because it doesn't have any painful memories of its own. Regardless, Chirithy promises to be there for the protagonist should they one day remember the war.

Kingdom Hearts Union Cross is on IOS and Android.

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Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] Keyblade War Explained: Nightmare Chirithy, Foreteller Fights Kingdom Hearts Union X [Cross] Keyblade War Explained: Nightmare Chirithy, Foreteller Fights Reviewed by Unknown on December 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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