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Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Barbatos

For many Genshin Impact players, Mondstadt is home and the setting of the game. The city of freedom is a spectacular, impressive city built on an island with a long history. However, Barbatos, the God of Freedom that founded Mondstadt, is a little bit more elusive than players may think.

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Barbatos comes off as carefree when we first meet him in-game, but there is more to a god than that which is on the surface. Most players only know a little bit about Barbatos, but there is a lot to uncover from his purpose as a god to his relationship with others.

10 The God Of Freedom

"What does freedom really mean, when demanded of you by a god?"

- Dainsleif

This may not come as a surprise, but the god of the city of freedom is the God of Freedom. Barbatos represents this ideal, the exact opposite of what Morax, the God of Contracts, believes in. Yet, what freedom really means is something that is heavily debated throughout the series.

In Barbato's eyes, life should be lived as "as freely as the wind." That said, Mondstadt has a history of Archons misrepresenting their ideals; while Barbatos represents freedom, his means may be hypocritical in the eyes of some characters in the story. After all, the people of Mondstadt did not have a choice when their god disappeared.

9 Barbatos In Real-Life

Like many of the gods and divine beings in the Genshin Impact universe, the name Barbatos has origins in the real-world occult. More specifically in demonology, Barbatos was the demon Earl and Duke of Hell.

As one would expect, the Barbatos in Genshin Impact shares many characteristics with his real-life counterpart. Both have four companions that accompany them; the God of Freedom established the Four Winds in the same fashion. Furthermore, both can understand animals (like with Dvalin), and give an understanding of the past and future of the world around them.

8 Formed The Four Winds

The Four Winds are at the center of the Mondstadt storyline in Genshin Impact, Dvalin's corruption being a major plot point. Barbatos established the winds to protect Mondstadt when he departed.

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However, though they are still heavily revered in story, the Four Winds are no longer as involved in the affairs of Mondstadt in the current storyline. Andrius has disappeared to Wolvendom, Vennessa ascended to Celestia, leaving only the Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius to guard the gates.

7 Mondstadt's Image Is Based On Him

It shouldn't come as a surprise that Mondstadt would become characterized by their Archon. For example, both have a strong habit of drinking wine and both feel heavily connected to the winds. However, the connections between Mondstadt's image and Barbatos goes a step farther than just that; Barbatos actively formed the image of Mondstadt himself.

Before the rule of Barbatos, the near entirety of modern-day Mondstadt was like a tundra. However, due to the actions of Barbatos, as well as Andrius's submission, Mondstadt was transformed into the temperate climate it is today. Now, Mondstadt's flowers and local specialties can grow unrestrained.

6 Role In The Archon War

The Archon War was a series of events that occurred around Teyvat. In Mondstadt's case, it came in the form of revolution and usurping. Decarabian was the God of Storms that preceded Barbatos as the Anemo Archon, ruling Old Mondstadt in modern-day Stormterror Lair.

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Unlike Barbatos, Decarabian became a tyrant that actively kept his people imprisoned in the region (though in his mind, he was protecting them.) This is what led to the revolution described in Venti's story quest, an event that was actively rallied by Barbatos.

5 History With Vennessa

Between in-game lore and the official manga, a lot of information presents itself about Vennessa. The first Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius, she grew up as a slave in Old Mondstadt. It was during this time that she first met Barbatos.

Having a goal to protect her people, Barbatos blessed her with a vision. Together, they fanned the fires of revolution that ultimately freed Mondstadt from the plight of the aristocracy. After this, Vennessa moved the people to the island in Misty Lake and formed the Knights of Favonius.

4 Windblumes And Ludi Harpastum

Barbatos has a love of festivities; it is seen throughout his appearances and in his carefree attitude both in-game and in the manga. However, these festivals, like Ludi Harpastum and the Windblume Festival, are more than just times of joy. Barbatos formed these festivals in recognition of historical achievements.

The Windblume Festival celebrates more than just freedom but is in recognition of the revolution that freed Old Mondstadt from Decarabian. After all, Windblumes were designed as a symbol of the revolution.

3 His True Form

Gods in Genshin Impact are rarely humans. For example, Morax is a dragon, and other gods in Liyue starting as adepti. When it comes to Barbatos though, the call is a little bit difficult to make.

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At face value, Barbatos started as pure Anemo elemental energy, similar to Eyes of the Storm. However, it should be noted that Barbatos has a very different type of body; he may or may not be the same type of creature. Nonetheless, Barbatos is a wind spirit.

2 His Departure

Between Mondstadt and Liyue, the two countries have had very different relationships with their Archons. In Morax's case, he took a direct approach to governing his people, descending annually to offer guidance. However, Barbatos is a different story.

Barbatos never had a direct approach to governing his land, even before his departure; he preferred to set everything up, allowing his people to make decisions freely.

1 Relationship With Other Gods

Barbato has a touch-and-go relationship with the divine. It's noted that he does have a good relationship with Morax, in neighboring Liyue. However, it may be a different story with the other gods.

For one, Barbatos has shown his distaste for Celestia, saying that "the water tastes bad and the fruits are bland." Furthermore, in the manga, he states Murata, the Pyro Archon, as being rather annoying and feisty. Even more, it should be noted that the Cryo Archon has a bad relationship with all gods, so Barbatos is naturally included to this end.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Oculi

Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Barbatos Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Barbatos Reviewed by Unknown on May 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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