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Shin Megami Tensei 3 Remaster: 10 Best Magic Offensive Skills And The Most Powerful Demons That Learn Them

When players try Shin Megami Tensei 3 Remaster for the first time, they get thrust in post-apocalyptic Tokyo to save the world from impending doom. As the Demi-Fiend, players need to recruit and train various Demons to fight a seemingly-impossible battle against the forces of evil. Thankfully, as with typical Shin Megami Tensei fashion, the Demi-Fiend and his allies can use a variety of offensive Magic Skills to devastate their opponents.

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In Nocturne, offensive magic serves as the equivalent of staple elemental RPG attacks. However, Nocturne adds various tactical elements to go alongside these flashy attacks. As a result, some offensive Magic Skills just set themselves apart from the rest.

10 Maragidyne

Best Demons: Mot (Tyrant, Innate), Trumpeter (Fiend, Innate), Odin (Deity, Level 70),  Efreet (Yoma, Level 55)

Megami Tensei and the Persona series' Maragidyne serves as the elemental equivalent to Final Fantasy's Firaja - serving as any game's most powerful Fire-based attack. In Nocturne, a user pays 25 MP to deal Heavy Fire damage to all enemies across the opponent's camp. Given its low-cost, all-hit capacity, Maragidyne easily becomes a must-have in a Fire-based build.

In turn, Demons along the higher mid-level range should probably get Maragidyne in their roster of Skills. Thankfully, more powerful Demons such as Mot and Trumpeter already have Maragidyne as an Innate Skill. However, Odin and Yoma can learn these later on across levels, making it a handy Skill in their arsenal.

9 Mabufudyne

Best Demons: Trumpeter (Fiend, Innate), Hresvelgr (Wilder, Innate), Black Frost (Night, Innate), Pale Rider (Fiend, Innate), Abaddon (Tyrant, Level 70), Odin (Deity, Level 69)

Whereas Final Fantasy has Blizzaja, Megami Tensei's Mabufudyne rules over all Ice-based Elemental spells. In Nocturne, players need only to pay 25 MP to deal Heavy Ice damage to all foes in the battlefield. This beats Glacial Blast's multi-hit combo by assuring that Mabufudyne hits all enemies. Additionally, its chance to cause the Freeze status makes it a handy repertoire for any demon wishing to expand their skillset.

Demons can maximize Mabufudyne especially if they're looking into potential effects to Freeze enemies while dealing damage. Thankfully, powerful Demons such as Trumpeter, Hresvelgr, Black Frost, and Pale Rider already know Mabufudyne by default. However, Odin and Abaddon can learn this as well.

8 Maziodyne

Best Demons: Beelzebub (Tyrant, Innate), Lilith (Night, Innate), Gabriel (Seraph, Innate), Trumpeter (Innate)

Maziodyne serves as the spell opposite of Final Fantasy's Thundaja in terms of intensity. In Nocturne, players need only to pay 25 MP to deal Heavy Electric damage to all enemies - on top of the possibility of causing Shock. The fact that Maziodyne deals damage to all enemies with a potential to Shock easily makes it a must-have ability for any element-based builds.

Interestingly, a lot of high-level Demons already know Maziodyne as an Innate Skill - such as Gabriel, Lilith, Beelzebub, and Trumpeter. In turn, Maziodyne easily shapes itself as an efficient go-to potential stun tool for any member of the player's arsenal.

7 Bolt Storm

Best Demons: Yurlungur (Snake, Innate), Shiva (Fury, Level 96), Gurr (Raptor, Level 67)

Why strike down a foe with "a" bolt of lightning, when Bolt Storm can strike enemies down with an entire storm? With just 25 MP, players can deal Heavy Electric damage to multiple foes. As a Rank 9 Electric Skill, Bolt Storm easily outclasses most Skills within its type. Moreover, its chance to cause the Shock effect makes it a handy stunning implement.

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In turn, more high-level Demons in the player's party should probably get Bolt Storm as a part of their arsenal. Yurlungur already knows Bolt Storm as an Innate Skill, but Demons such as Shiva and Gurr can also learn this in later levels.

6 Glacial Blast

Best Demons: Sui-Ki (Brute, Innate), Black Rider (Fiend, Innate), Nyx (Night, Level 73), Barong (Avatar, Level 63)

Feeling the unfathomable chill of a glacier can become a fate worse than death, and Glacial Blast serves exactly that purpose. Boasting one of the most powerful damage dealers across Ice Elemental Skills, users can pay 25 MP to deal Heavy Ice damage to multiple foes with this ability. In turn, Glacial Blast is a great staple to Ice-focused builds - especially since it can cause the Freeze status.

Demons along the mid-level range would probably need Glacial Blast for a more diverse elemental toolkit. Thankfully, Black Rider and Sui-Ki already know Glacial Blast as an Innate Skill. Moreover, Nyx and Barong can also learn Glacial Blast as part of their repertoire.

5 Mazandyne

Best Demons: Mot (Tyrant, Innate), Trumpeter (Fiend, Innate), Fuu-Ki (Brute, Innate), Gurr (Raptor, Innate), Scathach (Megami, Innate)

In dire situations, even the merciless winds can be someone's ally. In the case of Megami Tensei, Mazandyne perhaps serves as the franchise's most powerful wind-related ability. Players of Nocturne can use Mazandyne by paying 25 MP, which then deals Heavy Force damage to all opponents.

Unlike Wind Cutter, Mazandyne is often an Innate Skill for wind-attributed or flying-attributed Demons. This means Demons such as Scathach, and Fuu-Ki know Mazandyne by default. Interestingly, more powerful Demons such as Mot and Trumpeter also know this Skill innately, making Mazandyne an ideal go-to Force Skill to hit all opponents.

4 Prominence

Best Demons: Samael (Vile, Innate), Throne (Divine, Innate), Vishnu (Deity, Level 94), Bishamon (Kishin, Level 73)

There's nothing more delightful than burning the enemy through one's sheer prominence - and that's exactly what Prominence (Fire) does. At the cost of a measly 30 MP, this elemental attack deals Heavy Fire damage to multiple targets. In turn, Prominence is a great Fire Skill to keep in handy, especially when facing multiple foes - or a boss with pesky cronies, which is a common occurrence in the higher-difficulty levels of Nocturne.

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Due to the innate low-cost, high-reward nature of Prominence, it works best with mid-level Demons such as Samael and Throne who already know this innately. Likewise, it's worth the while levelling up Vishnu and Bishamon to acquire this handy Fire Skill.

3 Mahamaon

Best Demons: Metatron (Seraph, Innate), Samael (Vile, Innate), Daisoujou (Fiend, Innate), Raphael (Seraph, Level 86), Mithra (Deity, Level 82), Dominion (Divine, Level 55)

Who would've thought "can't sit with us" can kill opponents? In Nocturne, Mahamaon does exactly this - use the Expel Type to outright kill enemies. Despite being one of the rare few Skills that can instant-kill all enemies with a high chance of probability, it only costs 25 MP! Of course, with many enemies having Expel Resistance, Mahamaon isn't always useful. However, considering that even a low-level Demon such as Daisoujou gets Mahamaon as an Innate Skill, why put this to waste?

Either way, higher-level Demons such as Metatron and Samael already possess Mahamaon as an Innate Skill. Moreover, other high-tier Demons such as Raphael, Mithra, and Dominion can use this Skill on higher-levels as well.

2 Mamudoon

Best Demons: Samael (Vile, Innate), Mithra (Deity, Innate), Black Frost (Night, Innate), Gurr (Raptor, Level 64), Legion (Haunt, Level 54), Daisoujou (Fiend, Level 38)

Ever wished for an enemy to die so hard that they just do? Mamudoon does exactly that in the Megami Tensei franchise. Demons with Mamudoon just pay 25 MP to use the Death Type Skill to instant-kill all enemies - with a high chance of success! While a lot of Demons do possess Death Resistance, Mamudoon is always a handy Skill to possess, especially at early levels with Daisoujou and even mid-level Demons such as Legion and Gurr.

Likewise, some higher-level Demons already have Mamudoon as an Inate Skill, including Samael, Mithra, and Black Frost. In turn, players may as well try to capitalize on Mamudoon's potential for instant-killing enemies should the chance arise.

1 Megidolaon

Best Demons: Beelzebub (Tyrant, Innate), Metatron (Seraph, Innate), Shiva (Fury, Level 98), Mot (Tyrant, Level 95), Michael (Seraph, Level 94), Trumpeter (Fiend, Level 80)

Why settle for a simple elemental attack, when celestial powers itself can tear reality apart and attack foes? With Megidolaon, a mere 50 MP will have a Demon deal Mega Almighty damage to all enemies. The fact that this is an Almighty Skill means it cannot be repelled, drained, and voided. Moreover, with a few bosses possessing Almighty Resistance means very few opponents can dodge Megidolaon as well.

In turn, it makes sense for Megidolaon to accompany high-tier Demons as an Innate Skill, such as Beelzebub and Metatron. Likewise, top-tier Demons such as Shiva, Mot, Michael, and Trumpeter often learn Megidolaon as one of their last Skills.

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Shin Megami Tensei 3 Remaster: 10 Best Magic Offensive Skills And The Most Powerful Demons That Learn Them Shin Megami Tensei 3 Remaster: 10 Best Magic Offensive Skills And The Most Powerful Demons That Learn Them Reviewed by Unknown on June 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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