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How Final Fantasy 7 Remake Devs Addressed the Tifa vs Aerith Debate

Fans of Final Fantasy 7 have debated "Tifa vs. Aerith" for over 23 years, and now that Final Fantasy 7 Remake exists, the debate has only gained traction and will more than likely never end. Each side prefers the qualities of the character that they're arguing for. For Tifa, it's her dependable and robust nature; for Aerith: her sweet and goofy heart.

In defense of their preferred character, fans have even gone so far as to say Square Enix preferred one over the other, and, unsurprisingly, Square Enix has decided to respond to this accusation.

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Co-Director Naoki Hamaguchi and Producer Yoshinori Kitase addressed fan's concerns on behalf of their development team. Hamaguchi doesn't necessarily believe that that the team favored either character but does admit their roles may be somewhat unbalanced in the original title.

He admits that Aerith comes off as the hero of the story, while Tifa, despite being an important character, mainly serves as the push for Cloud's character arc. How fans interpret this explanation is up to them, as it could mean Tifa's better for Cloud due to changing him or Aerith's better because the story suggests it.

Either way, Hamaguchi assures fans that Square Enix knows just how much the base cares about this question and its featured characters. As such, the devs tackled Final Fantasy 7 Remake with the goal of balancing Tifa and Aerith's screentime as much as possible. They claim to have also made sure that if one character has a unique interaction with Cloud, the other would have one available as well.

In other words, FF7 Remake will see Aerith and Tifa share the advantages they had over one another in the original Final Fantasy 7. Both characters will look like heroes in the story and both will help Cloud reach his final destination as a character.

Unless they have an early copy, fans will have to wait for Final Fantasy 7 Remake's launch to see how exactly this balanced screentime plays out, and how the game will handle "the date," if it does.

In the original Final Fantasy 7, the player gets to choose to have a date with either Aerith or Tifa, but the decision doesn't come until later than what Remake's first episode covers. However, Remake promises to have some surprises the original didn't, so who knows what it has in store for Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake will launch on April 10, 2020, for the PlayStation 4.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Final Trailer Breakdown: Spoilers Abound

Source: USG

How Final Fantasy 7 Remake Devs Addressed the Tifa vs Aerith Debate How Final Fantasy 7 Remake Devs Addressed the Tifa vs Aerith Debate Reviewed by Unknown on April 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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