Someone Beat Dark Souls 3 Using Bananas | Game Rant

The Dark Souls trilogy is infamous for being incredibly difficult, and the final entry in the series, Dark Souls 3, is no exception. Yet despite this, there are countless videos online of people beating the game with self-imposed limitations or through ridiculous methods. One streamer even beat all three Dark Souls games without taking a hit.
Most likely, this is because it is human nature to want to overcome challenges and prove oneself, and what better way to do that than by beating one of the hardest games around with an outrageous handicap. That must have been what went through Super Louis 64's mind before he beat Dark Souls 3 with bananas instead of a controller.
Most are probably familiar with potato batteries and similar things, in which fruits or vegetables are used to create electricity. Super Louis 64 applies this concept to Dark Souls by having a specific banana for each button on the controller, allowing him to forgo a controller altogether.
This, of course, results in some hilarious moments. In the video above, Louis64 can be quoted as saying things like "That's not my lock on banana! I keep forgetting," or "That's not my attack banana, oh my gosh." It is clear that he has a ton of experience playing Dark Souls games, as he is able to beat the last boss of Dark Souls 3, and the whole game beforehand, with bananas for controllers all while casually chatting with those watching his stream. In fact, this isn't even the first time he's done this, as he did the run once before in 2017.
What sets this run apart from his previous endeavors is that this time he was raising money for charity. Throughout the course of his stream, Super Louis 64 raised $750 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This is yet another example of gamers using their influence to do real good in the world, and is hilarious to boot. The video shows only the end of his run in which he defeated the final boss, but the full banana run can be found in that video's description.
This wasn't the first time someone has taken one of the hardest games around and dominated it in a crazy way and it certainly won't be the last, but Super Louis 64's run is inspiring nonetheless. For those players still struggling to beat Dark Souls 3 with an actual controller, maybe the bananas made it easier.
Dark Souls 3 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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