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Ranking All The Call Of Duty: Black Ops Series Zombie Perks

In preparation for the upcoming release of Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War, we take a look back on the zombie mode. Perks are an essential part of any zombie game. Juggernog, Speed Cola, and other helpful beverages were added to help increase the players' chances of fending off the zombie hordes.

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With another Black Ops game on the horizon, we can only assume that the zombies will find a new home in this game. Let's celebrate with a round of Mule Kick. After all, we may need the extra firepower. For this list, we will focus on the cola machines, not the gobblegums.

13 Who's Who

Who's Who was added exclusively to the Die Rise map in Black Ops 2and, luckily, that's where it stayed. Don't get us wrong, it was a useful perk; it gave the players the ability to revive themselves within a certain time limit, but it was essentially like having a worse version of Quick Revive.

12 Tombstone Soda

Tombstone Soda was only featured in TranZit and was eventually replaced by a gobblegum. This perk allowed players to be revived with their entire inventory, which was amazing for the time. One caveat though, was that the player would have to return to the spot in which they died within a certain amount fo time to regain their items.

It is a shame that it was only featured briefly. It got replaced in Black Ops 3 by the gobblegum Aftertaste. This gobblegum gives the same effect minus the guns, allowing players to be revived with their perks.

11 Stamin-Up Soda

Stamin-Up Soda was introduced in Ascension in Black Ops. It increases the sprint speed of the player character by 7%. It also has the added benefit of increasing the player sprint duration by 100%, as well. This perk is especially useful when players have heavy weapons that slow them down. Other than that, this perk doesn't have much use unless you are trying to get across the map quickly.

10 Deadshot Daiquiri

Deadshot Daiquiri was introduced in the Call of the Dead map in Black Ops and has since found itself in almost every zombies map thanks to the Wunderfizz machine. Though this perk offers tons of aiming benefits, it doesn't quite live up to the rest of the perks.

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It resets the aim assist to target the head instead of the body. It also increases the accuracy of all weapons by 35%. More often than not, players loathe getting this perk and would rather have something more useful.

9 Vulture Aid Elixir

Vulture Aid Elixir is one of the few perks with multiple effects. For starters, it makes players see zombies that have a green gas leaking from them. Shooting these zombies will cause a gas cloud to appear that players can stand in to avoid detection.

Along with this, It makes zombies drop small bonus perks like extra points and ammunition. Lastly, it shows symbols on the HUD that reveal all the perk locations. All of these bonuses are useful, but they fall a little short in necessity. Other perks are far better.

8 PhD Flopper

Introduced alongside Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper also appeared in Ascension. This perk was a welcome addition for fans and utilized the dolphin dive mechanic. One of the best additions this perk made was the ability to survive explosions. It also protected players from the backlash of firing the ray gun too close to a zombie.

The best part about this perk was the explosion that would happen when a player would dive from a higher elevation. This explosion could have its element altered in Origins based on what staff a player had.

7 Electric Cherry

Mob of the Dead introduced the Electric Cherry perk which offered a new way to protect yourself against the zombies. This perk made an electrical shockwave emanate from the player whenever they reloaded their weapon.

Additionally, the shockwave became stronger depending on how many bullets remain in the magazine. The more ammo expended from the weapon, the bigger and stronger the shockwave became.

6 Double Tap Root Beer

Technically, there are two different versions of Double Tap Root Beer, the second of which first appeared in TranZit. The original version of this perk was among the original perks that appeared in the original World at War game. Originally, this perk increased the fire rate of all bullet weapons by 33%.

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It was a great addition when you had heavy weapons. When they finally decided to upgrade the perk, they gave it the added upgrade of increase the bullet output of weapons. This meant players could take down zombies even faster than ever before.

5 Quick Revive

Quick revive is among the essentials of any player playing alone in a zombies map. When playing alone, it allows the player to get auto-revived if they go down. While down, the player has the pack-a-punched versions of the M1911 pistol.

This changes depending on what map you are playing on, though, and it can only be used three times before the machine disappears. When playing co-op, this perk takes away the self-revive and allows players to revive other players four times faster than normal.

4 Widow's Wine

Widow's Wine is one of the most essential perks, as it drastically increases a player's chances of survival. This perk changes the grenades a player is carrying into sticky grenades that shoot out webs that slow zombies down. It also protects the player with the same effect.

Assuming they've got enough grenades in reserve, an attacking zombie will be immobalized by a sudden burst of webs. Like the grenades, this effect slows the zombies down and gives the player more time to escape. This perk also increases the player's knife damage.

3 Mule Kick

Mule Kick was another welcome addition to zombies mode when it was introduced in Moon in the original Black Ops. It became so popular among the fans that Treyarch included it in all maps after Moon and included it in the Zombies Chronicles DLC for Black Ops 3.

This perk increases the number of weapons a player can carry by one. Adding the ability to carry another weapon is a must-have for players hoping to make it to high rounds in which ammo can often run dry quickly.

2 Speed Cola

Speed Cola is another perk that is hard to imagine a zombies game without. It is another one of the original perks included in World at War, and it has since been included in just about every Treyarch-developed zombies map.

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It simply increases the player's reload speed, and, while this may not sound extremely useful, when facing down a horde of zombies, a faster reload speed means the difference between life and death.

1 Juggernog

The most useful perk hands-down and one of the originals that has been found in nearly every zombies map out there, Juggernog has been the lifeline for many players in their zombies careers, and that won't stop anytime soon. This perk doubles the number of hits a player can take before going down. No player would be caught dead without this perk—or, to rephrase, if they don't have the perk, they probably will be caught dead.

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Ranking All The Call Of Duty: Black Ops Series Zombie Perks Ranking All The Call Of Duty: Black Ops Series Zombie Perks Reviewed by Unknown on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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